I don't know....most decent GENUINE women i know on this site and in real life, wouldn't call them selves...BOOTSNBRA.put up an alluring photo , except 100 friends in less than a month....and write post of this nature....may be i am just old fashioned . I guess G i r ls just want to have fun....and anyone that's been here long enough knows that for a fact.
Another person making it about me instead of the point. First off Bootsnbra was the name of my ranch. Boots I wear them and bra meaning a woman ran the ranch. Sexy a little bit...sure to me I felt so yes. Now as for the integrity of my ranch prior to selling it is was widely known by churches for being generous, to the special Olympics for not only its donations but for actually being out there and coaching, to the Olympics for our support the past 15 years,to the homeless centers for raising animals and having them sent to them specifically each year to help feed the hungry, for the children we sponsored through christian organizations for under privileged children, for the Veterans Associations we sponsor because the amount of homeless vets we have is outrageous, for the support we give to the Red Cross, for our support to St Judes and The Childrens hospital and my list isn't even complete. Still each night I hit my knees and pray for a better world and I try by starting with myself. Sir you are not old fashioned you are judgmental. I was raised by Grandparents that were old fashioned and they would never JUDGE Someone without getting to know them first nor make statements to hurt someone for just no good reason. Now in line with the others who made this about me and not the point and SHAME on you too!
PS. Alluring photo? I covered myself up with clouds whats so alluring about that?