As I said, poaching used to bother me, not so much now. I am happy in my current clubs, in fact they are like family (without too many dramas). A great bunch.
But as I am not, nor never have been a owner, I cannot really comment on behalf of them. But the owners (and directors) of good clubs have invested a lot of time and effort to build a great club. They have built relationships with their members who are not simply a number or an XP earner....they are friends.
Clubs are more than earnings, status, rankings etc. they are about a bunch of guys and gals who get on and share the common bond of a frustrating game.
A good club help their members improve, have fun and participate in a variety of CC events and if you are on, you will get an invite to play.
A good club is not where you are a number and follow stringent rules where you have the fear you will get booted if you miss a week or two due to commitments.
Good people will be loyal if the owner and directors are good themselves....a player who leaves due to a promise of greener fields is probably not worth having in the first place,
Edit CT - it had 250 members when I looked a few hours ago....seems like the green green grass of the Majestic Mountain is not quite so green,
I reckon the turnover there must be pretty high,,,,says it all about the club