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Majestic Mountain Invite

Sat, Feb 20 2016 1:41 AM (37 replies)
  • 111joey
    151 Posts
    Thu, Feb 18 2016 11:49 AM

    Very well written rant.  Spaced great, so is very easy to read. Cudos.  One of the better post I must say.

    Dont agree with the tone, but again well put together.



  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Thu, Feb 18 2016 12:30 PM

    Well said Sir

    But beware as there will probably be the same posts coming that i normally get when i mention poaching on here.

    My advice........fook em ;-)


  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Thu, Feb 18 2016 12:58 PM

    I checked this CC out...they have 249/250 members (so basically maxed out)....this is the 3rd owner I have seen shot gun invites all over the any tier, asking them to join his CC. It is beyond belief this is done, simply because there is no where to put new members...and really, how is a pro or tour pro, still using starter kit and a range ball, going to help any CC reach number one?

    oi vey

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Feb 18 2016 1:07 PM

    As I said, poaching used to bother me, not so much now. I am happy in my current clubs, in fact they are like family (without too many dramas). A great bunch.

    But as I am not, nor never have been a owner, I cannot really comment on behalf of them. But the owners (and directors) of good clubs have invested a lot of time and effort to build a great club. They have built relationships with their members who are not simply a number or an XP earner....they are friends.

    Clubs are more than earnings, status, rankings etc. they are about a bunch of guys and gals who get on and share the common bond of a frustrating game.

    A good club help their members improve, have fun and participate in a variety of CC events and if you are on, you will get an invite to play.

    A good club is not where you are a number and follow stringent rules where you have the fear you will get booted if you miss a week or two due to commitments.

    Good people will be loyal if the owner and directors are good themselves....a player who leaves due to a promise of greener fields is probably not worth having in the first place,

    Edit CT - it had 250 members when I looked a few hours ago....seems like the green green grass of the Majestic Mountain is not quite so green,

    I reckon the turnover there must be pretty high,,,,says it all about the club

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Feb 18 2016 3:19 PM

    Dont agree with the tone, but again well put together.

    Sorry Joey, I was pretty disappointed that Pete did not take the offer to post in here to espouse the virtues of his club.

    Missed opportunity as I see it, and speaks a little about him.

    Kudos to you too, your retort of being a loveable bonehead was classic!

    Personally I am not so loveable, bonehead maybe, but definitely like a dog with a bone when I have something to say.

    208 Posts
    Thu, Feb 18 2016 3:39 PM

    While I do not normally respond to someone who has an obvious ax to grind, let me say this. As a proud member of Majestic Mountain, I think you would be hard pressed to find a better managed, caring, tip sharing and more supportive membership.  I do not follow totals as far as the membership is concerned, but I'll bet it is minimal. With this group it is just not "all about the golf".  When members experience hardships (which we have had several lately) this cast of "green grassers" rallied not only with exceptional verbosity of well wishes but with genuine compassion and a unique sense of comradeship.  When some others experienced monetary setbacks, this group againrose to the occasion with offers of free passes, balls and continuous encouragement.  We as a group appreciate all that Pete has provided and I guarantee, you would and will never get close enough to our front door to "piss on on it"!  I can think of no better definition of a successful, thriving group of players as this:  A place where more people are trying to join then leave, enjoy themselves, while respecting our leadership and the game!!  Your reckoning as well as your logic is better suited for someone with a lesser intelligence than yourself.

    A Proud Member of Majestic Mountain,


  • 111joey
    151 Posts
    Thu, Feb 18 2016 4:34 PM


    Dont agree with the tone, but again well put together.

    Sorry Joey, I was pretty disappointed that Pete did not take the offer to post in here to espouse the virtues of his club.

    Missed opportunity as I see it, and speaks a little about him.

    Kudos to you too, your retort of being a loveable bonehead was classic!

    Personally I am not so loveable, bonehead maybe, but definitely like a dog with a bone when I have something to say.

    Fair enough.


  • ttuna1234
    526 Posts
    Thu, Feb 18 2016 4:50 PM

    The reason alanti got an invite to join Majestic Mountain is because of me. After reading civman’s post of 2/15 where he was looking for a top 5 club to join, I sent him a friend request. He sent me a message expressing interest but noted that the club was full at 250 members. Here is my reply to his message:

    The reason I friended you is because I saw your post in the WGT forum that you were looking for a new club in the top 5. I went through the same process back in November and after 'shopping' a bit I contacted a director in MMCC about getting in. They were full at that time as well, but openings pop up every few days, and I was in within 36 hours. I have been very happy in the club as they have a nice selection of tourneys and a very active membership. There are some really great people in the club and the focus is on having fun, so lots of good players and a funny and fun bunch to boot. There is no pressure to play in clashes, but you'd be most welcome because you expressed an interest in playing them. I like them too. The only thing I see that doesn't fit what you're looking for in a club is setting up tournaments. Those are done only by the directors, but they are very good at listening and responding to member requests. If you'd like a list of tourneys to look over, I can send you that after I get work now. Or I can forward your name on to our owner, Pete, and get you in line for the next opening. I'll be checking back in...and getting some playing time about four hours.

    I copied civman’s original post, his message, and my reply above to send to Pete. In the process of editing out logos, time stamps, and extra spaces, I inadvertently left the line with alanti’s name in it (from being the last post) under the heading “Looking for a top 5 CC home.” It made it look like both alanti and civman were looking, and Pete sent an invite to both. My bad entirely. I cannot tell you how bad I feel about the error as Pete is a great guy and great owner, and I am very happy to be a part of MMCC. I’m sure all y’all are great owners as well and are just as proud of your clubs as I am of Majestic Mountain. I should think that we’re all in it for the fun, and if any of you are interested, it would be my pleasure to catch a round with you sometime soon.

    Havin’ fun. Hope you are too.


  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Thu, Feb 18 2016 5:41 PM

    Gotta say that it's refreshing to see members stick up for their CC and it's owner...I know nothing of the CC (there are well over 1000 CC's on this site), but to me it speaks volumes. It's also refreshing to see that people actually do read the forum...many seem not to reply or post opinions, but they have their reasons, I am sure.

    Anyway, good luck to you guys and your CC. 

    ps..the only thing I picked up on was the posting of so many invites to join, when you effectively have no room to put them if they did apply...this strikes me as a bit odd.


  • dancingdennis
    1,343 Posts
    Thu, Feb 18 2016 6:26 PM

    Yes they do Spam shushi  is actually pretty dam good. I read about in a Michael Creighton ( spelling might not be correct ) and he side tracked 2 pages talking about spam sushi . So I googled it and there are many u- tube videos on the subject and it turned out to be a good pool party snack that surprises almost anyone eating it