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Fri, Feb 26 2016 6:17 AM (7 replies)
  • DDudok
    20 Posts
    Wed, Feb 24 2016 3:33 AM

    Players ,join me in the Mercedes Only Club,not so big at (all :) ) the moment,but strugling hard for the top,E1 welcome!!!Come and have fun together kicking some balls   :)


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Feb 24 2016 10:01 AM

    strugling hard for the top

    What is "the top" in your opinion?

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Feb 24 2016 11:29 AM

    My advice is to tell everyone what your club can offer.

    No evidence of tournaments, only three members so you need to sell your club on a vision for the future.

    Owning a good CC can be hard work, and CC's are a dime a dozen, so you really have to have a unique selling point to have any chance of luring new players.

    Good luck.

  • Bluesteelie
    2,021 Posts
    Wed, Feb 24 2016 11:57 AM

    Come join us we rock!!

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Wed, Feb 24 2016 12:57 PM


    Come join us we rock!!

    Well, this certainly provides the OP with advice on how to grow his club...oi vey

  • DDudok
    20 Posts
    Thu, Feb 25 2016 5:24 AM

    The top is wining on regular base CC events (or place top 10) and sharing benefits between members.For instance,last CC event i finished 156 with 6664 points (played solo),that means that 14 active players(my average was 75 or so at the time ) could beat leader scored 88888 points.Do you think it is possible?

  • oldbones29
    2,035 Posts
    Fri, Feb 26 2016 5:28 AM


    Come join us we rock!!

    It is really rude and ignorant to hijack someone else's post. This post wasn't about your club. 

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Feb 26 2016 6:17 AM

    The top is wining on regular base CC events (or place top 10) and sharing benefits between members.

    Thanks for your answer. Alas, in my opinion there are no benefits at all in the prizes.

    last CC event i finished 156 with 6664 points (played solo)

    That's almost the number that we reached with 10-15 players, without paying for passes (20+ Superpasses though due to our CC level). Means that you payed a lot for passes (and balls?).

    To win, you'd have to find enough fellow players who pay as much - for nothing, IMHO - and your prize will be - nothing. Besides, I see a rivalty at the top which may rise the stakes.

    Good luck with your CC and have fun!!