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Moderated Again?????

Sat, Feb 27 2016 2:02 AM (30 replies)
  • xxxhogheadxxx
    949 Posts
    Wed, Feb 24 2016 9:32 PM


    I've written CS about why is it I am being moderated again.  Your reply was I didn't post enough.  That is a strange response since I've posted many hundreds of times and just recently the moderated crisis starts.  

    Did I upset some techie with my bug reports?  Did I upset some CS rep with my requests to look into bugs noticed during game play?

    Would like to know WGT.  

    Thank you.

  • VegasWade
    486 Posts
    Thu, Feb 25 2016 12:22 PM

    Every post I make since I joined here is moderated and I still don't know why. It says my first few posts will be moderated, but I've made more than a 'few posts.'

    This is the warning I get, despite having over 30 posts in these forums and numerous posts in my CC forums.


    "Welcome to WGT! Your first posts in our forums will be reviewed by a moderator before they become public. After you are approved, future posts will appear immediately. 

    Please review our Terms of Service for proper posting etiquette. Flame-baiting, spam, and other prohibited activities will result in action against your posts and possibly your WGT account. 

    Thanks, and welcome to our community! "


    Edit: Oh, this post was moderated, too.*

  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Thu, Feb 25 2016 1:18 PM

    Unless you boys have been naughty, just ask a Mod, an' they'll help ya out.

    Doc :)

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Thu, Feb 25 2016 1:24 PM

    Kinda weird given some of the "free for alls" we see posted in many of the threads, that you two would be moderated. Given what people are allowed to post, I'm not even sure why wgt bothers with moderating, or what the actual criteria is. I know what is stated, but that obviously isn't the case, or you guys wouldn't still be moderated.

    Even the rule about naming players...routinely the top players are referenced in the posts, ie, FMags, or MrQueez, or FOYW, or WOL, or whomever...but if someone is called a sand bagger or quitter...even when proof is provided, the post gets deleted. 

    Everyone knows who the best players are...but not everyone knows who the cheaters and multi-accounters which post is of more value to the wgt community?...


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Feb 25 2016 1:29 PM

    Everyone knows who the best players are...but not everyone knows who the cheaters and multi-accounters which post is of more value to the wgt community?...

    The one that doesn't create a crap storm. Imagine if I came in here and told everybody you cheated. You're instantly in a no-win, defensive position because of a complete lie. It goes nowhere good after that.  Been there. :-)


  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Thu, Feb 25 2016 1:45 PM

    "but if someone is called a sand bagger or quitter...even when proof is provided, the post gets deleted".

    ...I agree that just calling someone out without any proof is useless.

    That said, I've gone from missing putts by three feet to missing by only two feet...a 33% that new cheat engine I'm using is working great..:)


  • PhiEaglesFan
    617 Posts
    Thu, Feb 25 2016 2:38 PM

    ... Imagine if I came in here and told everybody you cheated. You're instantly in a no-win, defensive position because of a complete lie. It goes nowhere good after that.  Been there. :-)

    Tell me about it.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Thu, Feb 25 2016 5:18 PM


    To get moderated again, takes quite an effort. We will usually delete a post and let you know, so if you got moderated, then there has to be a reason.

    I am not aware of you, but if you are still not sure, if you broke any of our rules, feel free to contact me privately and I can check into it.


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Feb 25 2016 6:15 PM

    The one that doesn't create a crap storm. Imagine if I came in here and told everybody you cheated. You're instantly in a no-win, defensive position because of a complete lie. It goes nowhere good after that.  Been there. :-)

    I call FOUL....YJ a Champion...hmmm now how did he do that I ask myself??????

    Seriously...he is that good lol (staving off being moderated)......

    But I agree, kangaroo courts do not do anyone any good. If you have doubts, let Icon know and he has more tools at his fingertips than most tradesmen have in their careers. Suspicions do not convict anyone.


  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Thu, Feb 25 2016 6:29 PM


    The one that doesn't create a crap storm. Imagine if I came in here and told everybody you cheated. You're instantly in a no-win, defensive position because of a complete lie. It goes nowhere good after that.  Been there. :-)

    I call FOUL....YJ a Champion...hmmm now how did he do that I ask myself??????

    Seriously...he is that good lol (staving off being moderated)......

    But I agree, kangaroo courts do not do anyone any good. If you have doubts, let Icon know and he has more tools at his fingertips than most tradesmen have in their careers. Suspicions do not convict anyone.

    Think that's been tried a few times...names, with proof, have been mentioned on here...usually worst that happens is a short suspension.  Even cheaters and abusers buy stuff in the pro shop, and wgt won't boot paying customers. I think if people are warned about sand baggers, cheaters, bullies, etc. (with accompanying proof), then it doesn't equate to a kangaroo court...more like a public service announcement.