It is ridiculous the amount of time and resources spent on gimmicky things while not addressing game playability issues
It has become nearly impossible to complete an Alt Shot game.
Now they have invested in an overly bright, epileptic inducing, absolutely meaningless message that further detracts from at least my enjoyment (and if my unofficial poll is correct, at least 90% of the players agree.)
With the Alt Shot problems and addition of such horrid "improvements", I know that I am not the only one now spending less time and money in the game.
Perfect business model, improve the game until there is no longer any revenue coming in.
There has to be someone in the organization with enough business sense to know that if you have proper customer service and address issues rather than try to "flash" over them, you will increase revenue.
Rather than an overpaid salary, they should work on a percentage of improved revenue. That way they would have to listen to the players wants.
I would take that deal!