You mean WGT doesn't care about the players that fed their families and paid their bills and got this game off the ground? That's quite ungrateful of them! Being that there is money being spent by the players in this game, aren't they obligated by the International Gaming Commission to face all issues reported by the players and address these issues in a professional manner within a reasonable time frame no matter what device you are playing the game on? After all, if it wasn't for the player, there would be no game.
There are three words that a lot of us forget about.....Terms and Conditions. That is their scapegoat. You show me a player that has read every word and understood what every word means in the T and C's and I'll show you a player that probably doesn't play a lot of online games. Most players do not read the T and C's, not only because it would be like reading a 300 page book and knowing the meaning of only half the words, but because the player has faith in the game and are relying on the honor system. Trusting that they won't lie to you and they will address all the issues and be honest and make the game fun and affordable.
I don't know, I could go on and on but the T and C's is what it all will come down to. I guess if there is an issue that WGT will not address then there almost has to be something in the T and C's that says the won't or don't have to address the issue. If a player feels as if WGT is ignoring them or that WGT is neglecting their obligations to keep the game at top performance or just anything at all, instead of reporting to WGT or hounding them about it, I would say file a formal complaint to the International Gaming Committee and let them handle it. This isn't the only game that treats their players like this and I don't know if it is intentional or if it's some kind of automated troubleshooting system that gets flooded and just plain cannot handle all the issues but what I do know is that, in the beginning this game was the bomb and now for me it's down to 633 credits left to spend and I'm saying good bye. Good Luck everyone.
Maybe we all should get out of the house more. :)