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Why I consider to leave WGT after 5 1/2 years...

Mon, Apr 18 2016 4:35 PM (66 replies)
  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Fri, Apr 15 2016 6:16 AM


    TY for taking the time to explain (although my post was somewhat rhetorical).

    I agree with everything you have said. I would suggest most players have dealt with the same issues. I still believe WGT has not addressed many of the glitches, because it will cost $$ or labor, or both. With no legitimate competition, there is no pressure to do so.

    I agree with Paul that hope is somewhat futile. Chad has sold his interest in the company, perhaps realizing the end game. He is now a ghost and WGT is adrift.

    I use this site simply as a social forum. I chat with "friends", I stay connected with people in other countries, etc. The actual game is merely a backdrop.

    You have many people on your friends list. I am sure you are close with some of them. You are an exceptional player, with nothing left to perhaps just use the site for social purposes, like I do. Your frustration level will diminish..:)


  • TheAceFactor
    2,147 Posts
    Fri, Apr 15 2016 6:52 AM

    clearing browser history and caches after each game. 
    Would advise against this. 

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Fri, Apr 15 2016 7:22 AM


    I'm happy now Ace. At first glance as I just opened, I thought it was your announcement that you were leaving. I see now that I was hasty. I would be so down if you left. Great to see your post. ;-}

    ~ Lily ~


  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Fri, Apr 15 2016 8:18 AM

    While I will agree that there are some issues with the game for some time now,  but what keeps me coming back are the people that I've met and consider friends.  


    The virtual game of golf is just icing the on the cake for this real life golf addict that uses WGT as a form of practice for the real game when I can't play for real.   Practice for the mental part of the game to be clear.  ;-)   You know,  anger management, course management, alcohol tolerance etc,   stuff like that.  LOL

    Even if someone feels they've totally given up on WGT,  never sell everything before you go.  One day you may cool off and return to find that things are getting better and then you come back to starter gear.   That would suck.   :)


    but if you must sell all and gift it away,  L51 yellow Volviks would be appreciated.  hehehe    Nothing against my beloved yelloways,  I was just tired of the vapor trail.  No good when it helps an opponent see the wind effect while ball is in flight.  ;-)

  • TheAceFactor
    2,147 Posts
    Fri, Apr 15 2016 9:09 AM

    Well  thank you very much Lily..

    This , a post from Miss WGT Alex  Jan. 2009 : 

    Clear your browser and Adobe Flash cache. 

    Please do not do this if the loading takes a long time.  Clearing your cache will increase load times.

    As we make updates and improvements to the site, there is the possibility that an updated file will become incompatible with a file that was cached in your browser from a previous session. The symptoms you would see are if you see an error message while loading the game or if one of the two flash widgets on the top left of the screen with your friends list does not show properly. In these cases, it is necessary to clear your cache in order to get the game working properly again.Please note that your cache should not be cleared too often, as the game depends on large files cached to your browser, and having to download them frequently will slow down performance.


    As Jim explained to someone about 2 weeks ago...You need to keep a solid (un-corrupted) cache'.  Clearing it upon exit , and even worse,  after every round is only killing your performance. Your having to re-download them frequently as Alex clearly explained long ago.


  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Fri, Apr 15 2016 9:16 AM


    Well  thank you very much Lily..

    This , a post from Miss WGT Alex  Jan. 2009 : 

    Clear your browser and Adobe Flash cache. 

    Please do not do this if the loading takes a long time.  Clearing your cache will increase load times.

    As we make updates and improvements to the site, there is the possibility that an updated file will become incompatible with a file that was cached in your browser from a previous session. The symptoms you would see are if you see an error message while loading the game or if one of the two flash widgets on the top left of the screen with your friends list does not show properly. In these cases, it is necessary to clear your cache in order to get the game working properly again.Please note that your cache should not be cleared too often, as the game depends on large files cached to your browser, and having to download them frequently will slow down performance.


    As Jim explained to someone about 2 weeks ago...You need to keep a solid (un-corrupted) cache'.  Clearing it upon exit , and even worse,  after every round is only killing your performance. Your having to re-download them frequently as Alex clearly explained long ago.


    Alex is long gone, but similar glitches, and many new ones since then, remain..(:

    That said, the advice is probably sound, even to this day.


  • TheAceFactor
    2,147 Posts
    Fri, Apr 15 2016 9:56 AM

    the advice is probably sound, even to this day.

    Considering it's still readily available in the sites "current" system requirements thread , umm , yeah ,  I'd think so !       smh

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Fri, Apr 15 2016 10:15 AM

    We're heading a bit off topic here but as far as I know it's best to clear your flash cache after each site update or equipment change.

    I do mine regularly and don't notice any difference when it comes to loading.

    I am talking flash though, not browser cache.

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Fri, Apr 15 2016 10:56 AM



    TY for taking the time to explain (although my post was somewhat rhetorical).

    I agree with everything you have said. I would suggest most players have dealt with the same issues. I still believe WGT has not addressed many of the glitches, because it will cost $ or labor, or both. With no legitimate competition, there is no pressure to do so.

    I agree with Paul that hope is somewhat futile. Chad has sold his interest in the company, perhaps realizing the end game. He is now a ghost and WGT is adrift.

    I use this site simply as a social forum. I chat with "friends", I stay connected with people in other countries, etc. The actual game is merely a backdrop.

    You have many people on your friends list. I am sure you are close with some of them. You are an exceptional player, with nothing left to perhaps just use the site for social purposes, like I do. Your frustration level will diminish..:)


    I agree with 99% of what everyone speaks of, a lot like being left on the church steps, in the rain!

    I do not have a solution.  I do not own,run, or have any influence with those that do.

    If it ever gets to the point that making complaints on the forum will encourage those who can resolve issues actually comes about, I shall be in the forfront.  Until that happens I will continue to do my best to play well, enjoy the company of others, and continue to use (still the best there is) this format for pleasure.

    In many cases the fun of playing wgt is like when you quit hitting your thumb with the hammer over and over, it will feel good!  My Nickle.


  • WigerToods2010
    8,448 Posts
    Fri, Apr 15 2016 11:08 AM

    Prepare for incoming...