WGT is known for trying to present the most realistic golf game available on line. I would like to propose a "Senior Tour" for Players over 50 years old. I am over sixty and though I play the game better than average, I have no illusions about ever being able to compete on a level field with teenagers and young adults. Younger players simply have faster reflexes and therefore are able to ding more consistently, its just a fact of life. The PGA recognizes that younger players are at an advantage and created a Senior Tour that is very popular and sucessfull, WGT should do the same! Now, as with most suggestions, I really don't expect WGT to do anything in the near future, their plate is pretty full. I would be interested to know if there are others out there that feel as I do, and would be interested in a senior league of some sort, maybe a ladder site, or special "senior only" tournaments. Feed back would be interesting and encouraged. Thanks!