Hi I’m Sarah, owner of The Bubblegum Academy and no I’m not
here to plug my CC, join it if you want, I’m not bothered either way, it like
most other CC’s (my sales and marketing career never took off). I just thought I’d introduce myself as I am
relatively new to CC Corner even though I have been playing WTG for over three
years. I enjoy the game because I play in real life (terribly) and I enjoy the
chat. When I say I enjoy the chat I mean the occasional proper conversation
that wends my way. I don't mean the overly abbreviated monosyllabic drivel of
'ns' 'gb' 'wp'. But that doesn't means I don't do it myself as it's polite to
acknowledge good play and I fully accept English won't necessarily be their
first language. I just think there’s a bit too much of it now and almost all
the dialogue is getting a bit lazy. One guy I played even found typing ‘n on’
too taxing and reduced it to ‘no’ which I found a bit confusing every time I
plonked a ball on the green. ‘Sorry? No what?’ Don’t get me started on some of
the atrocious spelling either, but at least I’ve conditioned myself to stop
correcting people now, I just wince inwardly instead. Note to WTG, any chance
of installing a spell checker on the chat function. Pretty please.
I find it slightly fascinating how people conduct themselves
when chatting through the relative security and anonymous nature of social
media. This forum is a prime example but I can see its mostly good natured
banter, but I can’t help feeling some of you would think twice about conducting
the same dialogue outside of this protective environment. Feel free to attack
me on that comment (because you can can’t you?), but I’m not trying to rile
anyone here. The problem with this form of writing (on chat) is it is open to
misinterpretation all too often: Compliment or Sarcasm? You decide. But my main
beef is being hit on. I don’t mind a bit of flirting on the chat, but why do some of
you assume I’m single or even interested in you just because I’m talking to
you? When I say I’m in a great relationship thanks, that isn’t your cue to
try even harder because ‘u ain’t meet mi yet an mi da best’ (Quote). Hey it’s
the internet, say what you like eh?
S x