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Five Thousand $$ to Customize Avatar

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Sun, May 1 2016 11:56 AM (20 replies)
  • Bluesteelie
    2,021 Posts
    Sat, Apr 30 2016 5:22 AM

    Are you serious?  With the amount of $$ spent by everyone on WGT, you really need 5,000 dollars just to customize your avatar? No other game does this!! This is an expense that we cant afford. For all the problems we have right now with the game, Which you are aware of, This is a simple change WGT should make for everyone. My 2cents

  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Sat, Apr 30 2016 5:35 AM

    Where were you, when they put it in the pro shop years ago? Should've spoken then, I'm sure they would've changed their business plan because of it ;-)

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Sat, Apr 30 2016 5:54 AM

    you really need 5,000 dollars just to customize your avatar?

    No you don't. It "only" costs 500,000 credit licences. 5,000 $ might be the amount of money if you were to buy the credits, but I'm sure that's never been meant to go that way.

    IMHO, it's either meant to be payed for with excess credits or as a "you should not buy me" tag. I think of the latter since it's "unavailable" to most. Remember, it replaced the Maserati (real car) for 75,000,000 cr.

    BTW: Is it open to buy for someone? For verified players?

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Sat, Apr 30 2016 6:47 AM

    Or you can go  .to the Pro Shop and get the new 2016 USGA avatar for free . Even if they lowered the price would you really trust them to make one for you ? These are the same people who cant even fix the issues with their own product without causing more issues with their product .

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Sat, Apr 30 2016 7:18 AM

    would you really trust them to make one for you ?

    I doubt that they'd ever tried to make one. Why spend developer's time for something you would not want to sell?

  • Bluesteelie
    2,021 Posts
    Sat, Apr 30 2016 7:21 AM

    I joined a year ago so I never thought to check this, and was just wondering why this is an option we cant achieve. Makes no sense to have this as an option just sitting there? They should allow us to make customized avatars is my point.

  • nanstar
    4,914 Posts
    Sat, Apr 30 2016 7:28 AM

    Don't be afraid, just call me :^)

    MisterWGT Phone Chat

    100,000 Credits
  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Sat, Apr 30 2016 7:29 AM

    Of course you can - at least you can try.

    1) Become verified and have a look if it will release then.

    2) Collect 500,000 cr and order one.

    Be sure to read the description carefully in advance because they'll stick to it word by word.

    For instance, I doubt that a cap will be possible for a male avatar because it's not shown and the description is very vague at that point.

    And, concerning the phone call, be sure that those products are in the scope of talk described. (Who pays the phone bill?)

    Another doubt. It says:

    get exclusive insights into the making and play of World Golf Tour.

    Sixty minutes on that!

  • Bluesteelie
    2,021 Posts
    Sat, Apr 30 2016 8:54 AM

    Watch the video on thier own administrators playing the game, First thing they encounter is a Disconnect...too funny.......your aware, you see the problem. Do something!!

  • derekortt
    677 Posts
    Sat, Apr 30 2016 9:17 AM

    it's available to but. But a massive waste of money


    Get the gift cards instead. Or better yet, PLEASE ALLOW CASH CONVERSION