Hi there everyone,
Greenlanders Country Club is a Level 16 multi national Club that consistently finishes in the Top 5 performers at every Club Clash 3rd place last Clash. We are permitted to have up to 250 members and 5 club officers besides our owner - with minimum basic non-restrictive rules. We are on the move and looking to modernize and get with the times so we are looking for a WGT member with the necessary skills to create and maintain a club website for us - with input and assistance from the current officers of course. We currently only have two club officers so the successful applicant will naturally be appointed a Director of our club immediately regardless of your tier or level status - with all the benefits such status brings. We have advertised within our current membership but unfortunately we don't have anyone currently on board who possesses the skills required.
Anyone who is interested in joining our club and can assist with our endeavours should submit their application too me in my wall or invite me as friend in order too message me privately , thank you.
Club owner : Weedwhackerloo (LOO)