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Still no Best Ball Two Man Format?

rated by 0 users
Wed, May 4 2016 12:15 PM (1 replies)
  • BarelyHuman
    52 Posts
    Sun, May 1 2016 7:09 PM

    The best format for two-man teams has yet to be considered or delivered.

    In all the clubs I've played it's the most used format for casual play, no bets to wide open, but keeps all players in the game.

    Don't spout off yet, alternate shot is great. But a full interactive best ball would keep the attention...more balls, more clubs..come on do I have to spell it out...MO' MONEY....

    The programming is not any more difficult than existing software. Give us what we want, we'll keep filling your coffers if we get the entertainment we crave.

    Just a mild rant...I'll keep harping til we get it....

  • mymanpayne
    6,139 Posts
    Wed, May 4 2016 12:15 PM

    As someone who loves the format ! I'd love to see this added to our game options.  I currently run these for our CC using the Stroke play mode, but it's not the same as my previous game was. And it was the most used one.