Yes the stats are weighed down by the learning curve, and players who have played lots of rounds have more games at a better standard to off-set the rubbish we all had early on. It is also hard to compare stats due to the differences in difficulty between even & uneven, and the variable tee options now available allowing for easier set-ups.
All that being said - I reduce my stats to 6 key numbers, and I find them useful for benchmarking my game.
Stroke score vs Par 72 (derived from P3, P4 & P5 hole averages - overall benchmark)
Drive accuracy (assess the Driving component of your game)
GIR (assess the combination of Driving and Approach)
Ave Dist to Pin (the closer you get to the pin, the easier it is to hole the putts)
Recovery (Ave of Sand saves & Scrambling - how well do you get out of trouble)
Putting Success (derived from 1-Putt, 2-Putt and 3-Putt - holed putts as % of all putts)
I am a reasonable player - but a long way to go to get to the top level of the game. Out of interest I have looked at yours vs mine, and then against one of the top players.
You Me Top
Stroke (72) 70.4 62.4 58.4
Drive Acc % 83.13% 87.95% 92.63%
GIR % 73.26% 87.69% 94.31%
Dist to Pin 16ft 11 ft 9ft
Recovery % 47.74% 64.24% 82.05%
Putt Success % 58.99% 68.44% 76.11%
I think you can see that you lose a little on Drive accuracy, don't hit the green consistently enough. When you do hit the green, you are not getting close enough to the pin to give the best chance of holing the putt. The putting standard is probably good, but due to the average putts being longer, you are not holing as many as the best players. When you get into trouble, you are not getting out as effectively as the best players.
All up - you are going very well, and the stats will gradually improve, both due to weight of numbers washing out the early stuff, and generally as you improve.
Keep up the good work - and above all else - don't forget to have fun playing.
Happy Hacking
Neil (The Hakman)