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Thu, Jan 5 2017 10:38 AM (19 replies)
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  • ManWithNoGame
    1 Posts
    Tue, Jan 3 2017 10:25 AM

    They don't like people with basic equipment, but don't tell anyone. The game is so random now and doesn't reward skill. The players with basic eqt require more skill anyway, but WGT don't make any money out of them. The responses you will get will be from those who use the most expensive eqt and slow meter balls, because they are crap players. Even with EZ swing clubs, if you hit the ding it should go straight.

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Tue, Jan 3 2017 8:08 PM


    They don't like people with basic equipment, but don't tell anyone. The game is so random now and doesn't reward skill. The players with basic eqt require more skill anyway, but WGT don't make any money out of them. The responses you will get will be from those who use the most expensive eqt and slow meter balls, because they are crap players. Even with EZ swing clubs, if you hit the ding it should go straight.

    WGT says you can play for free.  It doesn't say you will be good at the game playing for free.

     First of all, get rid of the easy swing clubs.  Even the WGT moderators will tell you they are junk.   I would say you are a Gamer and not a Golfer.  No one is going to be good after only 6 Ranked Rounds.  

    If you look in the Pro shop at equipment, you will see Clubs are rated on precision and forgiveness.  

    Mainzman posted the following in 2012 about Precision and Forgiveness.  

    I think it was Icon who wrote a very good description here a while ago.  It went something like:

    Imagine precision as a circle surrounding the point you aim at.  The ball can land anywhere within that circle on a dinged shot.  High precision clubs have a small circle, low precision ones a larger circle.  Where you land in this circle is pretty much randon, even when you hit the ding.

    Forgiveness can also be seen as a circle surrounding your point of aim.  This circle is where the ball might land when you miss the ding, high forgiveness = small circle, low forgiveness = large circle.  Where you land in this circle is determined by which side you miss the ding.  Miss left = goes left, miss right = goes right.

    This is why when you miss the ding the shot might still go where you aimed it.  Say the ball is going to the left side of the circle of precision and the right side of the circle of forgiveness when you miss the ding right.  The result is it goes straight.

    In rare circumstances a shot where you miss the ding slightly right might still go left.  If your circle of precision is large (low precision clubs) and your circle of forgiveness is small (high forgiveness clubs) you can get more variation from your precision than forgiveness if you only just miss the ding.  The ball is going slightly right because of missing the ding to the right but the lack of precision is sending it further left resulting in a rather unexpected shot.

    Here is the link to that page:

    SgtBilko also posted the following about Precision and forgiveness.  Here is that link:


    As far as your other comments, you just showed your complete ignorance of this game.  People will offer help to those who want to learn this game.  It takes time and practice, practice, practice.   I don't think you want to learn, so I won't waste anymore of my time on you.

    Good luck, or go back to what ever you Gamers are playing now.


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Jan 3 2017 10:35 PM


    They don't like people with basic equipment, but don't tell anyone. The game is so random now and doesn't reward skill. The players with basic eqt require more skill anyway, but WGT don't make any money out of them. The responses you will get will be from those who use the most expensive eqt and slow meter balls, because they are crap players. Even with EZ swing clubs, if you hit the ding it should go straight.

    So says a multi-accounter with an average of 58......member for a few weeks.....what a joke.

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Tue, Jan 3 2017 11:01 PM

    Even with EZ swing clubs, if you hit the ding it should go straight.

    It should? So you never tried it, did you?

    From my experience, you can't play two rounds with EZ clubs without at least one three-putt. These clubs are awfully un-straight and inconsistant.

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2017 3:31 AM


    Even with EZ swing clubs, if you hit the ding it should go straight.

    It should? So you never tried it, did you?

    From my experience, you can't play two rounds with EZ clubs without at least one three-putt. These clubs are awfully un-straight and inconsistant.

    It all does make you wonder where that 58 average came from.

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2017 5:59 AM

    So this gentleman has a wonderful average. Let's not convict him so quickly. He won a tournament on Pinehurst as a hack with a 28. But the top 6 hack scores were 30 or less.  The first score over par was in 63rd place!  The gentlemen who placed second in that tournament with 29's are now a pro with a 76 average and an amateur with a 60.25 average. 

  • PhilEStein
    1,269 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2017 9:39 AM

    I agree...let's not convict him. Let's tar and feather the cheating barsteward.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2017 12:06 PM

    LOL Phil......and credit to WGT....he does not show up in a player search now.

    Look at any lower tier leaderboard and it must be very disheartening for genuine player.

  • PhilEStein
    1,269 Posts
    Wed, Jan 4 2017 12:24 PM

    What pissed me off Al is that although I've only been here 6 months, I recall my first month where I played plus 30 x 18-hole rounds a day clearing more vegetation and undergrowth than a 20-ton dozer. That was a serious amount of work as self pride would not allow me to look for a cc until I thought I was of a semi-reasonable standard. 

    Then you get a clown like that turn up with a cheat engine or as you said, a multi of some kind, finds it all 'dead fecking easy' as Kevin Wilson would say and then starts to gob off about it. Ain't cricket mate. 

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2017 10:38 AM


    They don't like people with basic equipment, but don't tell anyone. The game is so random now and doesn't reward skill. The players with basic eqt require more skill anyway, but WGT don't make any money out of them. The responses you will get will be from those who use the most expensive eqt and slow meter balls, because they are crap players. Even with EZ swing clubs, if you hit the ding it should go straight.

    That's all BS nonsense.

    Players that have progressed to the higher tiers have indeed been rewarded for their skill.

    That players are able to lower their scoring averages well below par shows the game is quite consistent.

    The main variable is at the players end - the player and how the player's computer is set up and maintained.

    If there is a cross wind a dinged hit that's not a putt, regardless the club used, won't go straight.

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