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Unpark CPU's

Sat, May 21 2016 3:11 PM (19 replies)
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  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sat, May 21 2016 7:43 AM

    I did a little research and came up with, why not..

    The key to using Google is "be specific" on the query.  I searched for "are there downsides to unparking cpus" (without the quotes) and got plenty of answers.  Of course sifting through the answers is important too because, like this forum, you'll find many opinions and some conflicting opinions.  Most techy forums(like have ratings for the posters so take note of those.

    The consensus of downside opinions is unparking CPUs will increase power consumption.  The main purpose of parking CPUs is to save battery power on laptops.  Less power usage also means lower CPU temperatures. More power usage means higher CPU temps.  I doubt that will be a problem playing WGT as it is not CPU intensive but could be a problem playing other games or streaming while playing WGT. 

    There is also the opinion that unparking CPUs will potentially reduce CPU life since more CPUs are being used.  Well yeah of course!  But, these CPUs are designed to run together and we are likely to upgrade the PC before reaching that point!  A better statement IMO is parking CPUs extends the life of the CPU, unparking CPUs will give you the CPU life it was designed to give you.

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Sat, May 21 2016 8:58 AM

    Changing your power plan settings should be enough to improve the performance of your system . You can also change the amount of your virtual memory as well for better game performance .

  • bypass07
    1,360 Posts
    Sat, May 21 2016 9:01 AM


    Changing your power plan settings should be enough to improve the performance of your system . You can also change the amount of your virtual memory as well for better game performance .

    Please explain Lonnie

    And thank you Andy

  • donsprintr
    2,063 Posts
    Sat, May 21 2016 9:03 AM

    I always park my CPU overnight in a garage ...

    Oh wait ... that's my SUV ... dang abbreviations get me cornfused ...

    In the words of the immortal Emily Littela ... never mind ! 

    And I don't even have a garage, you can call home and ask my wife !

    Kudos to anyone who knows what song that last line comes from ...

    I hear Google cranking up ...

  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Sat, May 21 2016 9:31 AM

    '' I wonder if anybody'd think I'd flipped. if I went LA via Omaha ?"

    Doc :)

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Sat, May 21 2016 12:11 PM



    Changing your power plan settings should be enough to improve the performance of your system . You can also change the amount of your virtual memory as well for better game performance .

    Please explain Lonnie

    And thank you Andy

    In your power options you can set your computers performance level and power usage . This will affect the battery life and how much energy is used when playing games as well as other tasks too . If you want to save energy then your system will slow down and performance will be slower .

    If you want better performance then your system will speed up and you will have faster response . So you can make these adjustments and change those settings in your power options .

    Increasing your virtual memory will allow your hard drive to store temporary files on it and free up your ram space . If you have a lot of different programs stored on your computer it will slow your system down as will running multiple programs at the same time . The less stuff that you have stored on your computer the faster it will work .

  • bypass07
    1,360 Posts
    Sat, May 21 2016 12:15 PM

    Thanks Lonnie but how do you increase virtual memory ?

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Sat, May 21 2016 12:53 PM


    Thanks Lonnie but how do you increase virtual memory ?

    Go to {Control panel _ System Properties _Advanced_Performance}



    More power usage means higher CPU temps.  I doubt that will be a problem playing WGT as it is not CPU intensive but could be a problem playing other games or streaming while playing WGT. 

    There is also the opinion that unparking CPUs will potentially reduce CPU life since more CPUs are being used.  Well yeah of course!  But, these CPUs are designed to run together and we are likely to upgrade the PC before reaching that point!  A better statement IMO is parking CPUs extends the life of the CPU, unparking CPUs will give you the CPU life it was designed to give you.

    Windows 10 and 8.1 unpark the cpu automatically, but you still see a slight improvement in W 8.1, like 15 FPS....

    The "big" problem with this is the CPU runs hotter and the "average" user doesn't understand, or have a clue how easily the heatsink on a laptop gets clogged up and they burn up the CPU...

    Look at the bottom of your laptop, you will see the Windows registration sticker(like pink/light blue in color) is located over a small opening, if you see a "burned spot" on it your CPU is/or has been running hot....(I personally think this a way for them to get around warrenty issues as I have never seen or had one that didn't have the "hot spot")

    On a lot of the older desktop towers, there is a "exhaust" fan of course, but there is a 2nd fan inside the tower that blows directly on he heatsink/cpu...those go out and the user doesn't know it all the time...that's why "Gaming" computers have several fans visable, he!! the even have "water" cooled heatsinks lol


    If you unpark the CPU, I would put a small fan in front of the tower at the very least, and clean the heatsink on a laptop often....


  • donsprintr
    2,063 Posts
    Sat, May 21 2016 2:13 PM


    '' I wonder if anybody'd think I'd flipped. if I went LA via Omaha ?"

    Doc :)

    You got it Doc ... peace sign, mag wheels, and four on the floor ...

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sat, May 21 2016 3:11 PM


    Please explain Lonnie

    And thank you Andy

    You're welcome!

    For some odd reason Lonnie's reply made me think of this scene from one of my favorite movies......


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