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Roddy the Poacher

rated by 0 users
Wed, May 11 2016 2:18 PM (10 replies)
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  • rfgraham1
    2,739 Posts
    Wed, May 11 2016 6:14 AM


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Wed, May 11 2016 6:21 AM

    So this isn't a thread about a new Scottish wrestler?

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Wed, May 11 2016 6:28 AM

    I thought it was about this guy and how he prefers to cook his eggs...

  • CEverett12
    14,177 Posts
    Wed, May 11 2016 6:33 AM

    Don't worry about Roddy , He does it to all the clubs .

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, May 11 2016 6:37 AM



    Please stop trying to poach players from our club.

    Is this just naming and shaming, or is it a CC advertisment using naming and shaming?


    Naming (and shaming) is clearly against the Guidelines and makes you stand in a bad light, while your accusations only appear as unproven gossip and libelling.

    (BTW: poaching is not named in the Guidelines)

    Which is your CC that "profits" of your outbreak?

  • rfgraham1
    2,739 Posts
    Wed, May 11 2016 6:59 AM

    Have a look at all the wall posts he has sent to many players (I deleted mine) and I always assumed poaching was no no in all walks of life perhaps in Germany it is different.

    You get this posted on your wall btw.

    "An invitation" 

    For more information about our club,

    please see our recent post in country

    club corner.

    28 Mar 2016 @ 12:21 PM
    "ALT INVITE 3-28" 
    Plus an invite to join his club.
    I just think poaching is not a good idea and as for naming and shaming surely he deserves it!
  • Premed
    776 Posts
    Wed, May 11 2016 8:18 AM

    So if I am right then what you are saying is poaching IS allowed within the WGT rules and if i send players invites to join my new cc IRISH EX-PATS then  Im not breaking any rules. I want to be clear because I want IRISH EX-PATS to be considered a club that has integrity. IRISH EX-PATS is / will hopefully be a friendly club & a social outlet for Irish & Irish ex-patriots. IRISH EX-PATS is only just begining and we (I) would dearly love to build up our membership. IRISH EX-PATS is not limited to just Irish people we will accept members from and country that want to be in a social & friendly club, we will also accept players from Germany ;)

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Wed, May 11 2016 8:44 AM

    we (I) would dearly love to build up our membership.

    I see from your CC's pending invite list you've invite many "Munsters"

    What's up with that? ;o)

  • Premed
    776 Posts
    Wed, May 11 2016 12:59 PM

    hahaha, working my way through the M's, just trying to get a club off the ground , also Munster is the province or region in Ireland where I originally come from.


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, May 11 2016 1:52 PM

    I always assumed poaching was no no in all walks of life perhaps in Germany it is different.

    This statement is naive. Among others, insurance and bank brokers do it all the time.


    And, I didn't say anything like this. Me thinks poaching for CCs is insensible and offensive and I'd never say a word to promote it.

    But, you are breaking rules while he don't.

    Naming and shaming is one type of mobbing, in this case world-wide internet mobbing. I consider it 1000x worse than poaching!

    Shame on you - you put yourself and your CC in a negative position. My two Pfennig.

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