If your looking for a solid base to start with, then you need to target the lower end tier players with decent stats. But you also need some higher end players in there also. Try get a few mates to join, and build from there.
Some things to think about:
Players with experience, so that they can pass it on to newer players.
Newer players who keep coming back to WGT to play regularly. If you see they have already bought some clubs, then you know they are hooked, lol.
Check the stats of the newer players, and try differentiate between new player, and multi accounter. Multi accounters usually hit the ground running. They will also win everything in your competitions, and therefor push folks away.
If you dont want rag bags in the club, then try and see what kind of posts on the forums they are making. The last thing you want is somebody posting abusive posts, or been abusive to somebody else. Especially in your own club. Before you know it, they would bring some abuse your way as well, even from others not associated with your club.
Write up a page on the "Country Club Corner" in the forums telling folks about your club. Maybe some rules, and info on other stuff, like competitions etc. Folks will read this, and ask to join.
You need something to entice them. Usually this means competitions. Even if its a few CTTH comps thrown in with a full round one.
Prizes go a long way to enticing folks in. So if you can only afford to give a sleeve or 2 of balls to winners of comps, then make it so.
Do send out lots of invitations, but stear clear of poaching from other clubs.
When you have a good few in your club, try and give some duties to those you trust. A lighter workload will be very beneficial to you in the long run. Let them set up comps, and even have one to go and target new members. If you have one particular member who is very creative with ideas for comepetitions, then put them in charge of comps, and so on. Dont try and force this on anybody, they need to be eager to do it themselves. Put a post in your own CC area to find out who is willing.
I see you have an image on your profile. Im not sure if this is a ready made image, or if you have somebody who made it up? If you have somebody who is handy with images, then create trophies for the winners of the competitions. I liitle bling on a winners page goes a long way.
Cruel, but probably neccesary. Weed out non active members. And try to keep competitions fresh. Stagnation in competitions is a no no. Playing the same format over and over just makes folks weary.
Get feedback from your members. You might have a genius onboard without knowing it. Some members have great ideas, but are a bit timid when it comes to putting them forward. If you ask for feedback and ideas, you may be surprised at what comes at you.
Just a few starters in there, hope this helps. But you probably know this already, lol.
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