no, it's not possible :(
but, let me tell you a story... I been using a dell laptop for almost 2 years. meter is smooth as butter. I did full format/reinstall and used it for 3 rounds, meter smooth as butter. I sent it to my friend, who has some meter issues. How can it be, if just 2 days ago, meter was smooth as butter.
The only difference is cat hair in his place and wifi connection. I get 40+mb/s with my wifi while he is around 5mb/s - i dont think that's the biggest issue either... i think it has to do with how reliable it is or how reliable service is in the area, any interference, etc.
meter is something we're always work on improving, but I can tell you, it's not simple or even complicated, it's extremely complicated and usually affects many others area, that we can't even imagine it would or should affect.
but, we keep trying