Here's the WGT secret. No one knows how many ranked rounds that need to be played before ones average stops increasing with par or higher ranked rounds.
There is no secret about
the minimal number of ranked round you have to play to move from one tier to the next one. You can
determine it easily.
The way the average score
is computed is quite simple.
The average is computed
using only your X best ranked/scored games (played in CC, tournaments, alone
etc). Notice also that if you subscribed to a tournament being pro, for
example, and then your turn tour pro at some point and you still play this
tournament as pro (because the tournament is not yet ended), those games count
in your tour pro average (as well as ranked games denoted "all
The number X depends on
your tier (see below for the numbers I know for the moment). When your number
of scored games is below this X value, your average is a normal average: you
add all your scores and divide by the number of games. Pay attention that a
score obtained on a 9 holes should be extrapolated to a score obtained on a 18
holes by multiplying it by 2 (so 33 on a 9 holes will count as 66).
Once you have played X
games or more in your tier, your average will NEVER increase anymore because
only your best games are taken into account, so at that point it can only
decrease or stay stationary after each game. This also explain why when you
have played X or more scored game, your average can decrease even if you do a
score above your average (for example if your average is 70 and your worse
score among your X best scores is 80, if you do 75, this 75 score will replace
the 80 and your average will decrease even if 75 is larger than your actual
average score of 70).
Here is simple example.
Assume that X = 3 (to make it short). You play 2 ranked games with scores 60
and 70. Your average is simply (60+70)/2 = 65. if you play a third game with a
score of 68, your average is then simply (60+70+68)/3 = 66. BUT now if you play
a fourth game (you have thus play a number of games larger than the minimal
number required for tier advancement) and score 67 (which is above your actual
average of 66), only your 3 best games are taken into account and your average
will be (60+68+67)/3 = 65 (you drop the worse result). So your average decreases
even if you score above your average. So this example also shows that it is
easy to determine X for each tier. Indeed, when you have play 3 games (in this
example), the average you computed was equal to 66 (see above) and coincided with
the average displayed by WGT. However when you have played 4 games, the average
you will compute using all your games (because you don't know in advance that
X=3) is (60+70+68+67)/4 = 66.25 while WGT will display 65 (because they drop
the 70 game and use only X=3 games to compute the average). So the two average
do not coincide when you have played 4 games while they was identical when you
played 3 games, so you know that X=3. So you know now how to determine X and how to compute your average when your number of ranked games are larger than X (by droping gradually your worse results)
I didn't pay attention
about that when I was amateur and pro, so for these two tiers I do not know the
value of X (but this is quite low). What I know for sure is that when you are
Tour pro X = 25 and when you are Master X = 40. I do not know yet for higher
tiers because my actual number of games I played as Tour Master is apparently
still below X. But X increases as you get higher tiers.
Now to be complete, you
advance tier when you have played at least X scored games AND when your average
score is below some value. Again I am not completely sure about the numbers for
amateur and pro (so I report what I found on this forum).
When your average score is
equal or smaller than 100 you go from hack to amateur
When it is equal or smaller
than 80 you go from amateur to pro
When it is equal or smaller
than 72 you go from pro to tour pro (sure about this one)
When it is equal or smaller
than 67 you go from tour pro to Master (sure about this one)
When it is equal or smaller
than 63 you go from Master to tour master (sure about this one)
When it is equal or smaller
than 61 you go from Tour master to legend (hope to check one day).
Hope this help,
Best regards