Isolator, you'll need to get your average below a 63 and you'll be a Tour Master. You have enough ranked rounds to advance to Tour Master. Its all about average now. Get your average below a 61 and you'll be a Legend. This will take some very well played ranked rounds to achieve. As you keep lowering your average in the Tour Master tier, you'll need to keep posting better and better scores to lower your average.
For Tour Master, you'll need to post 33's or lower at a 62.xx average. When you turn Legend with a average lower then 61, your average will reset and you'll need to post very low scores to keep your average low. Your average is going to climb in most instances when you become a Tour Master or a Legend, but will lower if you shoot low scores.
Here's the WGT secret. No one knows how many ranked rounds that need to be played before ones average stops increasing with par or higher ranked rounds. I'm guessing it's around 75 ranked rounds, maybe more after a player advances tiers. Then your average will lower on sub 34 ranked round scores, and stay the same on par or higher ranked round scores, only after you've reached that secret bench-mark of ranked rounds played. Your average as a Tour Master or a Legend will of course lower if you keep shooting exceptional low scores. But that one or two bad ranked rounds will raise your average considerably until you've reached WGT's secret bench-mark of ranked rounds after advancing to a new tier.
I hope this helps.