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Help needed with new laptop on windows 10

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Wed, Jun 15 2016 2:30 AM (17 replies)
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  • adeypa
    1,151 Posts
    Sun, Jun 5 2016 10:46 AM

    Hi all, I just want to start this off by saying my knowledge of doing stuff on a computer is so limited, its almost none existent. I know how to turn it on, and do very basic things, but thats about it. I am a computer idiot.

    So, this weekend I've gone from my old laptop running on vista to a new laptop with windows 10. On my old one, (using Maxthon or Iron) apart from the occasional blip WGT ran pretty well, however on the new one the game is more or less unplayable. The meter bounces and stutters around like a pisshead on his way home after a proper Saturday night session.

    I've tried, Maxthon versions 3 and Cloud, Chrome, Edge, IE, Opera, Iron, Comodo Dragon, Palemoon, and Slimjet, all of them absolutely rubbish. So I've come to the conclusion that its not just the browser, it must be more than that. 

    Can anyone give me some pointers of what I may need to do please ?

    Thanks in advance, Ade.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sun, Jun 5 2016 12:34 PM

    New computers come pre loaded with unwanted software (bloatware).

    Check in your task manager (Ctrl +alt+delete) to see what processes are running in background. Disable any you don't need to start up automatically.

    Check the apps that are installed and remove the ones you don't need.

    Here's how to remove bloatware.

    After that, clean your flash and browser cachés and run CCleaner (free version).

  • ScottHope
    10,610 Posts
    Sun, Jun 5 2016 12:41 PM

    It might be downloading and installing updates as it's new.

  • WigerToods2010
    8,448 Posts
    Sun, Jun 5 2016 12:52 PM


    It might be downloading and installing updates as it's new.

    Yup, it may take a while to get up to speed. Updating for me was a pain at the start when I first switched to Windows 10. Fine now.

    Few settings you may need to tweak too, Ade.

    I use windows10 + Firefox (46.0.1) without any problems provided I use wgt's own 'Full Screen' option. If I don't then the meter is horrendous - exact same meter problems when playing via the default Edge browser outwith full screen mode also.

    Anything I can do to help send me a pm and I'll try and get you sorted (preferably during a game?).


  • ScottHope
    10,610 Posts
    Sun, Jun 5 2016 1:40 PM

    There's also an option in Windows update that I feel should be turned off too, and that's 'Updates from more than one place', which as far as I can make out, uses the updates Microsoft sends to your PC, to help update other computers on the internet.

    To turn this off, click on the Notifications icon on the taskbar, then click All settings in the action center panel. Click Windows update and security then click Advanced options, then Choose how updates are delivered then under Updates from more than one place, select Off.

    You won't benefit from having your updates delivered from other PC's, you'll just get them from Microsoft, but at least your PC won't be sending out updates to other computers.

  • WigerToods2010
    8,448 Posts
    Sun, Jun 5 2016 1:54 PM

    There's also an option in Windows update that I feel should be turned off too, and that's 'Updates from more than one place', which as far as I can make out, uses the updates Microsoft sends to your PC, to help update other computers on the internet.

    Indeed there is, Scott - or was. It's due to be removed permanently (this month I think depending on your location) by Microsoft.


  • ScottHope
    10,610 Posts
    Sun, Jun 5 2016 1:59 PM

    Good to know, thank you J.  : )

  • Tigerpaw509
    1,285 Posts
    Sun, Jun 5 2016 2:27 PM

    Did you buy a low end basement bargain model ?


  • jenwren
    2,772 Posts
    Sun, Jun 5 2016 10:02 PM

    I use Windows10 on Toshiba laptop.  

    I did have a few problems at first, mainly the updating etc.  I tried this game in Edge, yes it looked great but had a really bad meter.  So I went back to Maxthon and don't have a problem.  

    I do find that when there is a Microsoft update downloading, it upsets the game as well.  Not sure if that has to do with the problem that was mentioned in a message a few posts ago.

    Only time I seem to have a problem is when there has been an update from WGT. Strange but it seems to be the norm now.

    Yes I am technically challenged at times too.


  • adeypa
    1,151 Posts
    Mon, Jun 6 2016 9:24 AM

    Hello people, thank you all for your replies.

    Even though nothing seemed to be happening when I was trying to use the laptop before, it does seem that it hadn't done all of its updates, it was doing some more this morning when I looked before work. According to the messages that I got on screen when I went to have a look a little while ago all the updates are now complete.

    However, nothing has improved.

    So, starting in posting order....

    @ Paulton.. Thanks for the bloatware info, I've now got rid of a quite a bit.  Me being a computer numpty I've got a question, how would I know what processes I can disable, and which ones I need to keep running ? As I write this, all I have running is Max browser, AVG anti virus, and task manager, and there are 57 background processes running, does this sound excessive ?

    @ Scott.. Was still updating but all updates are now complete.

    @ Johnny (Wiger)...Tried FFox, but awful in normal or wgt full screen mode. And yeah, we will get a game or 2 in shortly :o), about time we did. 

    @ Tigerpaw... Yes, cheaper end machine, but decent. Toshiba C70D-C-121 Satellite 17.3 Inch 8GB 1TB . A newer version of what I've been using for about the last 8 years.

    @ Jenwren... As above, using the Toshiba. Maxthon always worked well on my old machine, and really is my prefered browser. Ooh technically challenged, I like that. Sounds much better than being a 'Computer Numpty' as I like to describe myself !

    Thanks again all, any more help will be gratefully accepted,



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