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False Averages & False Tiers

Mon, Jun 20 2011 8:16 PM (16 replies)
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  • BacardiAndCoke
    449 Posts
    Mon, Mar 7 2011 10:12 AM

    I dont agree with Sandbagging at all and i feel its very sad that people will do that just to win a few credits, but what i was shocked to find is that there are Master, Tour Masters & Legends that can only shot 67-69 sometimes more in normal ranked rounds or WGT Touraments but they will play in there own based touraments which are set up with obivously easier conditions 10 or more times and shot 28 & 29 just to get there avg down and to get there tier level up, i just dont understand why? I also wished that WGT would only avg player based on ranked rounds or touraments rounds in official WGT touraments, so we had a true reflection of how gd people really are and stop so many people becoming Legends when there really not capable of it


  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Mon, Mar 7 2011 10:34 AM

    I'll  drink to that!

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Mon, Mar 7 2011 10:58 AM



    I dont agree with Sandbagging at all and i feel its very sad that people will do that just to win a few credits, but what i was shocked to find is that there are Master, Tour Masters & Legends that can only shot 67-69 sometimes more in normal ranked rounds or WGT Touraments but they will play in there own based touraments which are set up with obivously easier conditions 10 or more times and shot 28 & 29 just to get there avg down and to get there tier level up, i just dont understand why? I also wished that WGT would only avg player based on ranked rounds or touraments rounds in official WGT touraments, so we had a true reflection of how gd people really are and stop so many people becoming Legends when there really not capable of it


    I doubt people would become a legend just for the sake of it, if any one wasn't that good why would they become a legend, wouldn't it be easier to stay as a master or tour master and play off easier tees?  They wouldn't benefit anything for becoming a legend, just make's life more difficult for them

    If you mean country club tournaments above, conditions wouldn't be any different to WGT tournaments, you still have to play off same tees


  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, Mar 7 2011 11:26 AM


    they will play in there own based touraments which are set up with obivously easier conditions 


    rofl.,..that's just too funny.


    i do agree with you regarding the sandbagging issue though...seems quite lame of folks to do that. i mean it's not that you can spend the credits out of this game.




  • WigerToods2010
    8,446 Posts
    Mon, Mar 7 2011 11:45 AM



    And those that only ever play 9hls aint really helping a true average either.



  • BacardiAndCoke
    449 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2011 12:13 AM

    i dont understand it either but have a look at some of the very low averaged players on this game and your see it


  • ChrisBurgess
    4 Posts
    Thu, Mar 10 2011 7:55 PM

    How would you respond to a player with a high average and tier such as 78+, pro, swinging an 8.5 driver level 85 going 5 under on the first 5 holes of Kiawah with a 30 sec shot clock.

    I am not worried about the Masters shooting 85, I am concerned about the Pros shooting 58. 

    Example would be Sunshine705, check out those average scores.

  • SunShine705
    31 Posts
    Wed, Apr 6 2011 9:34 AM

    Sandbaggers Sandbaggers Sandbaggers, is all i hear, LISTEN EVERYONE you still have to know how to play, If your good, you should have no worries about sandbaggers, if your a bad player you shoulden't be playing in here, by the least for credits anyway, uless either your mentally disabled or just have so much money and don't know what else to do with it..... GIVE TO ME is one suggestion, i don't care taking it..... lol

  • CaptainCheezo
    2 Posts
    Wed, Apr 6 2011 9:57 AM

    Just play Blitz. Same shot for everyone - skill prevails over equipment on the vast majority of holes. No credits to lose, good camaraderie, lots of variety  in courses...

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Wed, Apr 6 2011 11:14 AM


    Sandbaggers Sandbaggers Sandbaggers, is all i hear, LISTEN EVERYONE you still have to know how to play, If your good, you should have no worries about sandbaggers, if your a bad player you shoulden't be playing in here, by the least for credits anyway, uless either your mentally disabled or just have so much money and don't know what else to do with it..... GIVE TO ME is one suggestion, i don't care taking it..... lol


    Spoken like a level 86 TourPro with a high average, who wins 75% of their match


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