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Putting new players to clubs looking for players

rated by 0 users
Tue, Jun 14 2016 9:27 AM (3 replies)
  • Edgey54321
    547 Posts
    Mon, Jun 13 2016 10:44 AM

    I have noticed recently and it has most likely been going on for sometime, that clubs owners who set the club preferences in Owners Tools to

    "Yes allow new players to join my club automatically upon membership request"

    Who then give up playing are still being allocated new players. Recently I came across 2 new players both below level 20 in a club where there were no active members and an owner who had given up playing in 2013.

    Neither player had any idea anything was wrong.

    Now my question is what can be done to help new players out of this situation, because if they get no club help how quickly do they say to hell with it.

    WGT should have a system of checking if the owner is current regular player, has played in the last weeks before giving players to an non functioning club. 


    Perhaps the automatic "Yes allow new players to join my club automatically upon membership request" should have a date life 3 months at most, owners should have to update their preferences every 3 months Those that fail are then taken off the new players allocation.

    Has anybody got any better ideas as this is a problem at present and will not go away.

    Unless it is sorted


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Jun 13 2016 12:30 PM

    They should play multi-player games, make friends, ask them about their CC's and if they like what they hear apply to join and ask their new friends to vouch for them.

    I'd imagine this is how most people come to join the club they are in.

  • Edgey54321
    547 Posts
    Mon, Jun 13 2016 1:19 PM

    That sounds so simple, for someone who has been playing for a long time, and is at a level where they can put up a good show, but I and many like me forget how it was at the early stages of membership.

    What I am saying is that they need help,  and currently they are not getting it. Being a member of a club of 80 players and finding you are the only one playing as two of my members did is not acceptable. 

    Yes creating a multi player is a way forward, but like I did early on, playing with people so much better than myself, tended to make me a little nervous about doing it again.

    WGT created this animal, perhaps they should sort it out, I dont know.


  • jessek12
    102 Posts
    Tue, Jun 14 2016 9:27 AM

    Can't the members find a new CC once they realize that their current one is barren? I've switched CCs in the past when I joined one that was not sociable at all. Or new players could (and should) check out the forums, there are CC postings every single day.