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Hey WGT Community

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Tue, Mar 8 2011 7:41 PM (7 replies)
  • WiredBullets
    103 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2011 8:30 AM

    New guy here,

    I've been playing a little over 2 weeks now and thought I'd say hi. I really enjoy the game (as you can obviously see with my 10 rounds per day average lol). WGT is addicting and you learn something new everyday. I finally reached Pro status today after about 150 rounds, (in all game modes of course not just stroke) seems like it took forever. I enjoy multiplayer games more (as you can see) than playing by yourself just because you can learn from others and having people to meet and talk to just makes it more interesting.

    Only problem I have with the game so far is the huge amount of quitters and disconnects, (whether intentional or not) that happen on an hourly basis.

    I havent really seen that many meter problems compared to the amount being reported in the forums (not that i dont get my share mind you) but I find the above problem alot worse than a sometimes shaky meter.

    Anyways.. hit me up for a round anytime, especially if you plan on finishing it.

    Well enjoy your day and happy hitting.


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2011 11:03 AM

    Welcome. Make some friends and you will find that friends don't quit on each other:)


  • WiredBullets
    103 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2011 11:13 AM


    Welcome. Make some friends and you will find that friends don't quit on each other:)


    I've gone this route and it does bare true, but I'm also regarding the disconnects and load freezes that happen that can be linked to the server and not the intentional quitters.

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2011 11:16 AM

    ... and friends don't let friends drive (a golf ball) drunk.  Although we do and the only carnage is our score...

  • Boomerboy44
    1,514 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2011 12:19 PM

    Have you been drinking????  :-))

  • TylerDurdenJr
    100 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2011 7:03 PM


    ... and friends don't let friends drive (a golf ball) drunk.  Although we do and the only carnage is our score...

    You sir,

    I'll have you know.. I can score a 38 or 39 when i'm sober. Yet I can score well better when i'm drunk.

    It's the same philosophy as fatal car crashes. The drunk people almost always survive. It's quite unfortunate... but it's the truth. They survive because they're limp and don't give a  ****, Sad? yes. True? Yes.... but such is life.

    I score way better when I'm drunk... (or drinking). Some of us are just too high strung to play this game sober. Some of us have serious and tantamount obligations when we're sober.... and if and when we get the opportunity to let loose... we make the best of it. Win or Lose.

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2011 7:33 PM

    Tyler... I hear you.  Also, in looking over your scores it's nice to see that you didn't play on February 14th.  Good for you for taking your wife, significant other, girlfriend, or all three out for Valentine's Day.

    Martinis or whiskey for you?  Did you score better when drunk?  :)

  • TylerDurdenJr
    100 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2011 7:41 PM


    Tyler... I hear you.  Also, in looking over your scores it's nice to see that you didn't play on February 14th.  Good for you for taking your wife, significant other, girlfriend, or all three out for Valentine's Day.

    Martinis or whiskey for you?  Did you score better when drunk?  :)





    I spent all day..  2/14 making obscene phone calls. It was a fun day. I love the SHOCK factor. With my intelligence... you have NO idea what is POSSIBLE!

    Thanks for the concern Mocha Man. My V -Day turned out quite orgasmic.


    (oh and I didn't even have  to kiss anyone's ass in the process)