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༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Return of the Monday Giveaway!

Mon, Jun 20 2016 7:03 PM (28 replies)
  • WGTShamWow
    925 Posts
    Mon, Jun 20 2016 11:01 AM

    Hey All! 

    Sorry for the lack of Monday giveaways the past couple weeks. Went to Top Golf Vegas and have to say, what an experience! Everyone was super friendly and the game format is pretty fun! Definitely worth checking out if you are able to, just go at night.....113 heat during the day is a little crazy. 

    Anyway, was looking around online and found that today in 1975 Jaws hit theaters! Definitely a classic and one that terrified so many beach goers for years! Directed by Spielberg, went on to have a couple sequels, and its worth re-watching if you haven't seen it in a while. 

     That being said, lets go over the rules for this weeks giveaway. Post your favorite Spielberg movie and why, maybe a story about when you first saw it, theater experience, personal connection, ect. Winner will be picked at random from the posts and will receive a free sleeve of balls of their choice! Additionally, there will be a bonus sleeve for the best post/story. Giveaway will end at 6pm Pacific and will announce a winner shortly after. 

    My favorite Spielberg movie would have to be Jurassic Park. Saw this when I was young and remember being blown away because the dinosaurs looked so real when I was a kid. Also had a family vacation to Universal Stuidos when this movie was still in theaters and the park was in full tilt with Jurassic Park themed stuff. Just brings back good memories when I was a kid and usually can't turn it off when its on. 

    So lets here em and good luck! :)

    All the Best,

  • Jresh0817
    1,414 Posts
    Mon, Jun 20 2016 11:06 AM

    My favorite has to be ET....I was a very young boy when this movie came out...My mother says that when I was watching it at movies for some reason I yelled out STAR WARS real loud and embarrassed  her,,lololol...Great movie and just one of many he has directed!!!

  • WGTShamWow
    925 Posts
    Mon, Jun 20 2016 11:13 AM


    My favorite has to be ET....I was a very young boy when this movie came out...My mother says that when I was watching it at movies for some reason I yelled out STAR WARS real loud and embarrassed  her,,lololol...Great movie and just one of many he has directed!!!

    What a great movie. A little fun fact, Mars was pitched the idea to use M&Ms in the movie but they turned the producers down. They then went to Hershey with the same idea, which is why there are Reece's Pieces instead. This also astronomically boosted the sale of Reece's Pieces at the time. Mars must have been kicking themselves when the movie released. :p

  • BIGAL123
    202 Posts
    Mon, Jun 20 2016 11:14 AM

    My choice is Raiders of the Lost Ark  (1981)  -  the most fun you can have in a cinema without getting arrested. It pretty much has everything.  Laughs, action, tension and romance, and it’s created in such a concise and simplistic fashion that you find yourself even more engrossed because of how rushed and rugged it is. 


  • RefriedBean
    69 Posts
    Mon, Jun 20 2016 11:28 AM

    Close Encounters of the Third Kind is one of my favorites.  I think of it every time I miss a putt by 0.2 ft.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, Jun 20 2016 11:36 AM


    I was 12, and a first year junior at senior school (11-16).  Every kid (as every kid it seemed) had that book.

    Now bear in mind it was a catholic school.  A teacher asked why is everyone so fascinated with this.  I referred him to the thrown in chapter that only had real graphic sex.  He was horrified.  A letter was rushed to every parent of the entire school explaining how unsuitable the material was, and the book was banned from even being on school grounds.  Not bad going for a 12 year old:)

    Great book and great film though:)

  • Jresh0817
    1,414 Posts
    Mon, Jun 20 2016 11:40 AM

    you bet they were kicking



    My favorite has to be ET....I was a very young boy when this movie came out...My mother says that when I was watching it at movies for some reason I yelled out STAR WARS real loud and embarrassed  her,,lololol...Great movie and just one of many he has directed!!!

    What a great movie. A little fun fact, Mars was pitched the idea to use M&Ms in the movie but they turned the producers down. They then went to Hershey with the same idea, which is why there are Reece's Pieces instead. This also astronomically boosted the sale of Reece's Pieces at the time. Mars must have been kicking themselves when the movie released. :p


  • JJN60
    218 Posts
    Mon, Jun 20 2016 11:54 AM

    Close Encounters of the Third Kind (late 1970's) was a pretty good one - I was a senior in High School & remember going to see it with our group of friends / girlfriends and actually watching the entire movie from start to finish!

  • mjeepp83
    264 Posts
    Mon, Jun 20 2016 12:00 PM


    My Favorite -  "Raiders of the Lost Ark". It was a great movie , with sequels , also it showed me that the professer wanted out of school; as bad as everyone else!

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Mon, Jun 20 2016 12:19 PM

    Spielberg has directed some great ones, no doubt...from his first one, the made-for-TV Duel, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Schindler's  List, Super-8, etc.

    To me, his best one is his most recent, Bridge of Spies, if only for Rudolf Abel's response every time Donovan asks him if he's worried:  "Would it help?"

    It's been a joy to watch Spielberg grow as a director.