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Status Lights for C Club

rated by 0 users
Tue, Jun 21 2016 5:13 PM (2 replies)
  • Luciano18
    318 Posts
    Mon, Jun 20 2016 1:17 PM

    I had a thought (not always a good thing but...LOL)

    It is a good help having the status light on my Friends

    And I know they have the same light setup on the WGT Community area - it shows who is on and what have you.

    Would/Could this not be applied to the CC home page also ? Same scroll effect as Friends

    I see a few very obvious benefits for all

    1) CC owners can see who is on or not (I would guess some are more active than others)  especially during tournaments (and other WGT ventures)

    2) As a member, I am not a friend with everyone, but at times your Friend List is dark - a quick look through the CC roster and viola - you have a new friend to play with/against

    There are probably a few more uses. Just thinking out loud !! :)



  • adaputter
    1,954 Posts
    Mon, Jun 20 2016 6:04 PM

    just a thought it would be easier to go to cc home page click on members and invite all who have a green circle with a cross in it easier than wgt writing loads of  computer jargon

  • JohnAppllo
    130 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2016 5:13 PM


    just a thought it would be easier to go to cc home page click on members and invite all who have a green circle with a cross in it easier than wgt writing loads of  computer jargon

    and I assume you mean add the green circle to the CC page because I dont see one now....that is a GREAT idea.

    or, add a new status that says 'ready for a game to CC' and have them show up somewhere, maybe the friends list or another tab.

    Something...we NEED some way to find our CC members that are currently online so we can get into games together