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stuck on levei

Sat, Jun 25 2016 8:56 AM (23 replies)
  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Fri, Jun 24 2016 4:06 PM

    @Reddevil: I love a guy who has a positive attitude - go strong m8!

    And, guys like you deserve honesty:

    32s won't make him a Legend at any time because the average must drop further, to 61.00.

    Bluntly spoken, your current scores suggest that you seem not quite fit for Legend tier atm. You need a few 30s and 29s (and lower, if possible) which don't come easy, and it would be self-deception to use the red tee alley. Thus, the close future may be a continuation of the "stuck" feeling that you have already. Methinks that you may find yourself on the uncomfortable side of WGT's business model - grinding to provide their profit.

    As a reference, I (a not so talented player) needed to grind out more than 500 TM rounds plus two Matchplay wins against Legends (= -1.4 in avg) to tier up.

    In this situation, discomfort and burnout may happen. Therefore, you might want to give up any fixation on the "Legend" target for a while and seek the best fun and recreation in the game. Use your skills to experiment, practice without pain in MPs with friends and learn some tools of the trade from them.

    Have fun, and hit it straight!

  • reddevil16
    273 Posts
    Sat, Jun 25 2016 3:17 AM

    Thank's again all

    I am not eager to get to legend, when it happens is soon enough.

    It just gripes me and I am sure a lot of others that what hurts is getting no where and spending like mad on balls with no reward.

    I get more lip outs than Mick Jagger !!!!!!!!! & that's a lot !!!!!

    Anyway Thank's to all once again and hope we can meet on the green sometime



  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Sat, Jun 25 2016 4:47 AM

    what hurts is getting no where and spending like mad on balls with no reward.

    Oi - IMHO, a troublesome attitude...!

    Doing something "like mad" does not sound healthy to me. You may have to accept that this game will never take you anywhere (except to the real USO if you happen to win the virtual competition). And, the other rewards are strictly virtual, even Champion or Tour Champion or the Golden Putter. Therefore, consider another approach: seek the fun! It's a leisure activity!

    Of course, fun may mean to contend in the tournaments and matches, but it may also mean other things. I for one love the pictures, most of all those temporary cross views when getting to the green: One second, opening a view to an adorable place the world!

    But, if you stick by your attitude, be warned: Legend is ten times "worse": 500 rounds alone to saturate + a non-defined number of rounds to get to 60.000 under harder conditions.

    Pling pling...

  • borntobesting
    9,752 Posts
    Sat, Jun 25 2016 8:56 AM



    I am stuck as well. And i know why. I am not shooting near enough 29's and 30's for 9 and sub 60's for 18. Since the first of the year I have dropped from something like 60.2 to the 60.15 that it is now. Oh i could set up a few baby tee unlimited play CC tourneys on the front of St. Andrews but that is not how i wish to make TL.

    So what is an "Easy Chambers" when it's at home?

    If someone else sets up a CC tourney I will play it. But even if it is unlimited plau i will usually play each round only 1 time. What I was referring to is setting up a unlimited play on either St. Andrews or Kiawah Island front 9 red tees and then play it 10 or 15 times. And no matter how "easy" Chambers is from the reds it isn't that easy.