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early exits

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Fri, Mar 11 2011 6:36 PM (4 replies)
  • greenrod
    24 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2011 8:06 PM

    If you sissy-ass people can't complete a round because you start off sucking or suck in the middle of the game, don't even show up. Play by your damn selves!!!

  • inthewoods3
    10 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2011 11:21 PM


  • Steelers75
    239 Posts
    Wed, Mar 9 2011 8:11 AM

    Quitter,  Sandbaggers and sore losers will always exist.  Yes, they suck and all can ruin a good game for you.  Some players are more concerned about winning and stats than finishing what they've started; a juvenile perspective on their part.  If they'd stick around and finish the game the outcome is not always what they "predict" after a bad shot.  I've completely fubar'd a shot or two and lost the hole only to have my opponent do the same thing a hole or two later.  More often than not, this usually is the case.

    My two cents... once you've identified a quitter don't even humor them the next time you run into them.  I keep a list of the quitters and sore losers I've come across and I avoid them.  Consequently, some have apologized, after being cancelled numerous times, and have proven themselves accordingly.  Granted, this is rare but it does happen once your point is driven home.

    Best of luck!


  • greenrod
    24 Posts
    Thu, Mar 10 2011 9:29 PM

    TY for your feedback.

  • kaseychief
    75 Posts
    Fri, Mar 11 2011 6:36 PM

    I won't quit, you may beat me by 15 strokes. Ex-Marine, don't know how to quit.