I would prefer the camera angle to be close to my golfer and directly behind (not from a 45 degree angle) so that I can line up my shots better.
agree entirely... Lining up a putt (or any other shot) typically requires standing behind the ball.... If its good enough for Tiger... ;-)
For the most part I just use the reverse angle because it is setup on a perfectly straight angle almost always.
I agree with you all. Would also like to be able to control the camera angle as well, as everyone is different on what they would like to see.
Yup.. camera angle should be directly behind the golfer or the options to move it...
Sign me up for that as well. Putting seems to be the hardest part of my game due (hopefully) to the camera angle.
Ya I agree.
yes,i agree.haveing the option to change angles would be great.
Jymbo: Sign me up for that as well. Putting seems to be the hardest part of my game due (hopefully) to the camera angle.
Problem persists 10yrs on..
Won't change in a lifetime - it would need new photographs and they won't go out to do that. Add that the surroundings have changed - e.g., trees have grown or disappeared (notably CCC).