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MOBILE PLATFORMS - game options

Sun, Jul 17 2016 11:51 AM (1 replies)
  • sky0diver
    119 Posts
    Sun, Jul 17 2016 2:54 AM

    I wrote to WGT a while back in regards to more game options for the mobile platforms as this is where I really enjoy to play. I was told that it was not a priority for them due to the limitations of the mobile app. I do understand that there are limitations, however guys, the future of any gaming platform will be mobile,- away from the PC and laptop options.

    I play on both the mobile and on my laptop, however I only play on the laptop due to the very limited game options on mobile. All you can do there is play tournaments or head to head stroke play games for useless silver coins.

    Maybe you should at least introduce the possibility to play head to head games for credits like in the PC version? This way it would bring a bit more purpose and focus to the game. The two platforms are so different that it is like playing a different game each time I switch (particularly putting). So I would prefer staying on the mobile version but get bored there easily.

    I know a number of mobile players who quit the game because they dislike playing on the PC (due to the huge difference in playing) and they felt bored on the mobile platform.

    So on behalf of many (if not all) mobile players,- maybe you can look into adding some additional game modes that will boost this platform more. I guarantee you this investment will pay off as you will get more and more players on there.



  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,693 Posts
    Sun, Jul 17 2016 11:51 AM


    Well said, my friend.

    I made some specific suggestions for mobile earlier on the post below:

    Glad to see the number of mobile players is rapidly increasing.
