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Pink Raven - Youtube Channel

Wed, Aug 24 2016 11:26 AM (11 replies)
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  • PinkRaven
    52 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2016 6:49 PM

    Hello all,

    I am Pink Raven.  Some of you know me and know that I am a Member of "GDBN" "Golf Drunk Bowl Naked CC." I have not been playing the game for a long time, but I have played "a ton" since I started playing. I am told that I have as many rounds played as people that have been playing for years. At the time of this post I have 1365 Rounds played. I have recently made Tour Legend and I am having a pretty rough go of it since the Tier Up. I am also told this is normal.

    I am a Stay at Home Mother and I am able to play more often than most. I attribute my number of rounds played to this, as well as the time I have spent in research and knowledge gathering about the game.

    Credit : Fmagnets - Fmagnets Youtube & Young46 - Young46 Youtube...For some Excellent Video content. You two have helped tremendously. Being able to see someone do what others try to explain has made a huge difference in my learning curve.

    There are Several other players that I could give credit to, but the list would be too long. I urge those friends of mine to not be offended by not being mentioned here. You know who you are and you know how I feel about you. I mention these two because they also  post video's and that is what this Forum Post is about.

    I have recently started a Youtube Channel where I publish recordings of the rounds I play. Weekly/Monthly WGT Sponsored Tournaments. "GDBN CC" Tournaments, and a Course Management Video Series. Not to mention a few random and special video's of other rounds / things as well.

    I am not a Great Player. I do not even really consider myself a Good Player. I have bouts of Good Playing. But as you will see in my video's I am a horrible dinger. I aim badly and I am usually no where close to the pin. My putting is suspect at best. So if you are expecting perfection, my channel is not for you. But what I am doing and offering, is having some fun, and THAT is what a game is supposed to be. Fun :)

    Having said that. I would also like to tell you about something else I do on My Youtube Channel. I have recently started doing a "Weekly Player Spotlight." This Video series is a 9 Hole Stroke round with me, location of participants choice, where I ask a couple of very General questions about the Real Person they are, and a whole bunch of questions about the WGT Player they are. This is a Recorded round to be Published and Spotlighted on My Youtube Channel. I would like to invite people interested in doing this to check out My Channel and see if they would like to participate in this venture to learn more about you and your fellow WGT Golfers.

    If you are interested, you can send me an IN-Game message, comment to the video below, or reply to this Forum Post. I will add you to the list and get you on the schedule.

          sub section: Mean or Fowl trolls need not respond. It is not live. The game will end and the video will be deleted.

    I was encouraged by WGT's 19th Hole. I love seeing the people they spotlight and learning a little about them. And I thought. "Wow, wouldn't it be great to play a round with them." So. "Weekly Player Spotlight" round was created.


    "GDBN - Golf Drunk Bowl Naked" Members want to know you. Your Fellow Golfers want to know you. In addition you can watch and learn about your fellow golfers as well.

    Thanks for reading. Thanks for Playing. Be nice and keep a smile. It is a Game.

    Pink Raven's Youtube Channel

    Pink Raven's Profile

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sat, Jul 30 2016 8:51 AM


    "I am not a Great Player. I do not even really consider myself a Good Player. I have bouts of Good Playing. But as you will see in my video's I am a horrible dinger. I aim badly and I am usually no where close to the pin. My putting is suspect at best..."

    Interesting self assessment ^^^ from a 59 avg Tour Legend. Apparently, wgt disagrees with

    Methinks your standards are too high, or perhaps you are being a bit too hard on yourself. I checked your profile and see a lot of eagles posted.

    Anyway, a very creative and unique service you are offering, so thank you..:)



  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sat, Jul 30 2016 9:09 AM

    Good luck to you.  Gosh a lot of rounds even if a stay at home mum (OK mom :)..)

    My wife was stay at home when kids young (still is really LOL) but no way she had that time.  Her fault though as she insisted on 3 all under 5 :)  Gosh I remember the major expedition every trip was back then, but admit to not minding at the time.

    Carry on enjoying it, and good luck with the club and your further ambitions:)

  • PinkRaven
    52 Posts
    Sat, Jul 30 2016 9:20 AM

    Thank you Ct  :)

  • PinkRaven
    52 Posts
    Sat, Jul 30 2016 9:33 AM

    Yeah. I would be pulling my hair out with 3 of them under 5. My girl is turning 5 in Sept. She is an independant little thing..I grab her as she runs by and hug her until she pulls away and dissapears again. lol

    I commend and respect your wife for what she does. It is not easy raising children at all. Much less a bevvy of them. lol

    THanks for the reply


  • PinkRaven
    52 Posts
    Mon, Aug 1 2016 9:11 AM

    WGT Sponsored Weekly Uneven Lies Tournament, Congressional Front 9 (31)

    1st place finish - Tour Legend Tier

    Pink Raven Productions

    Pink Raven

  • PinkRaven
    52 Posts
    Tue, Aug 2 2016 3:23 PM

    Updated Photo to include WGT Tournament Results Notification

  • joemt825
    124 Posts
    Tue, Aug 2 2016 9:32 PM

    Congrats on TL.  You'll be Champion soon.  : )

  • PinkRaven
    52 Posts
    Tue, Aug 2 2016 9:36 PM

    Thanks Joe :)

    I consider that High Praise from and Awesome Player.

    Invite anytime :)


  • suncity28
    1,266 Posts
    Wed, Aug 3 2016 12:07 AM

    I Subscribed to your channel and look forward to future uploads/content  

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