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Weeding out players who don't play anymore.

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Sun, Aug 7 2016 9:13 AM (12 replies)
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  • deadfreight
    14 Posts
    Thu, Aug 4 2016 9:13 PM

    Our club owner has not played in over a year. How can he be removed/replaced and how can members who haven't played in the last six months be removed?

  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Fri, Aug 5 2016 9:02 AM

    The only way for a club owner to be transferred would have to be initiated by the club owner. If they are unresponsive there is no way to transfer the club. 


  • garypinhunter
    1,049 Posts
    Fri, Aug 5 2016 9:48 AM

    Your welcome to the pinhunters club with those who want to come also.  Gary

  • alosso
    21,087 Posts
    Fri, Aug 5 2016 9:56 AM


    Also, the owner is the only one to discard members or to accept new members or to change member status. Thus, the membership is frozen.

    You may carry on as long as there are active members...

  • jacktrade51
    11,208 Posts
    Fri, Aug 5 2016 1:56 PM


    Our club owner has not played in over a year. How can he be removed/replaced and how can members who haven't played in the last six months be removed?


    my former club went through this 2 years ago and the only way we got out of it was to organize and create a new club.  That club is now Black Diamond GC.

    We are a fun, friendly level 17 club with about 150 members of all skill levels from 3 Champs on down.  We would be happy to take in all your active and semi-active members, that is those who have played in at least the last 3 months.  I counted roughly 20 of those. 

    We have a varied roster of club free and premium tournaments, although nobody is pressured to play in them.  We do not ask members to passes for club clashes.  Just play regularly in WGT, be nice, and use free cc xp passes when appropriate.

    We can talk through friends messages if you want to do this and be fair to all your active club members.

    Tom (jacktrade51)


  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Fri, Aug 5 2016 2:14 PM


    Quickly scanning your CC roster, you have several players who have done nothing for a year or two. Plus a pending list of recruits?..

    Our CC rule is to send a warning after 3 months of no activity, and releasing the player after 6 months (if no reason for inactivity was provided)

    I'm sure all CCs strive for members who want to be there and are active. Owners should therefore keep an eye on this stuff (or have their directors do it), to avoid being laden with deadwood.


  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Fri, Aug 5 2016 2:27 PM

    For whatever reason, some people grow tired of WGT golf. When they own CC's and do not pass ownership to some interested party, it puts others in a bind. Since WGT refuses to admit that people quit the game, some CC's become orphans. They exist without members or leadership. When you see that your owner has died, been kidnapped, is in a coma, or just gave up on the game, abandon ship. If you have a strong core, start a new club or begin the search of a new home. Many of us have been in the same place!

  • jacktrade51
    11,208 Posts
    Fri, Aug 5 2016 6:49 PM

    or just gave up on the game, abandon ship. If you have a strong core, start a new club or begin the search of a new home. Many of us have been in the same place!

    That is what I was saying. 

    Our owner abandoned us, we started new club and got almost 100 member from the old club.  Now we are a level 17 club, and we started without WGT grandfather rules when they changed them.  It takes some work.

    Best other choice is to find another home.


    P.S.  WGTChampion said it above.  You cannot work within the club with absent owner.  The one tool available to use, if you are a director, is to use the clubwide email tool to communicate.  That is default available to directors.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sat, Aug 6 2016 5:22 AM


    For whatever reason, some people grow tired of WGT golf. When they own CC's and do not pass ownership to some interested party, it puts others in a bind. Since WGT refuses to admit that people quit the game, some CC's become orphans. They exist without members or leadership. When you see that your owner has died, been kidnapped, is in a coma, or just gave up on the game, abandon ship. If you have a strong core, start a new club or begin the search of a new home. Many of us have been in the same place!

    This provides a nugget for the conspiracy theorists: When Topgolf took over, the Mods were confident that much needed resources would be available to improve the game (see below). Topgolf then finishes its' audit and realizes that "15 million players online"  includes millions of dead accounts and multis...oops. Has anyone seen substantial improvements, other than to Chad's lifestyle?


    "... it's good for players that now we are a bigger company with more resources :) Nothing bad is happening with this merger. Only good things!" 

    ...and, many months later, we have balls that meow.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sat, Aug 6 2016 1:50 PM

    I've deleted this post.  Have to be careful with how much fodder one provides..) 

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