Our club owner has not played in over a year. How can he be removed/replaced and how can members who haven't played in the last six months be removed?
my former club went through this 2 years ago and the only way we got out of it was to organize and create a new club. That club is now Black Diamond GC.
We are a fun, friendly level 17 club with about 150 members of all skill levels from 3 Champs on down. We would be happy to take in all your active and semi-active members, that is those who have played in at least the last 3 months. I counted roughly 20 of those.
We have a varied roster of club free and premium tournaments, although nobody is pressured to play in them. We do not ask members to passes for club clashes. Just play regularly in WGT, be nice, and use free cc xp passes when appropriate.
We can talk through friends messages if you want to do this and be fair to all your active club members.
Tom (jacktrade51)