Hi, Deviant. The putting % is figured from your total putts.
Let's take a look at the numbers. For you, currently, that is 2191 total putts.
Your 0-5 ft% of 45.32 says that % of your total putts were put in from under 5 ft
5-10 ft% of 7.56 says that % of your total putts were put in from between 5-10 ft
10-25 ft% of 4.15 says ...
25-50 ft% of 0.26 says ...
50+ ft% of 0.04 says ...
If you add the figures, you get 57.33%, which, would be your overall putting %, and, when converted to putts per hole, comes to 1.7445, roughly.
The total doesn't add to 100.00 because your misses are not factored in.