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Putting stats... wtf?

Wed, May 1 2013 1:43 PM (15 replies)
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  • Deviant
    21 Posts
    Fri, Mar 18 2011 2:21 PM

    Hi everyone, hopefully someone can help with this, because I'm confused.


    I just completed a 9 hole round - the free weekly 9 hole unlimited play (St Andrews back 9), if you were curious. Anyway, during that round, I didn't miss a singe putt under 5 feet in distance. Yet when I checked after the round, my putting stat "% Putts Made from 0 - 5 Feet" had gone down. How? I don't miss very many putts under 5 feet - I'd be making over 80% of them - but WGT reckons I only make 45.35%.


    Doesn't make sense as I see it. Can anyone clarify? Ta.

  • PeterHopper
    1,315 Posts
    Fri, Mar 18 2011 2:39 PM

    Prob. the way WGT calculates averages. If you keep playing rounds that should rise. I guess.

  • Deviant
    21 Posts
    Fri, Mar 18 2011 2:44 PM


    Prob. the way WGT calculates averages. If you keep playing rounds that should rise. I guess.

    You've played a lot more rounds than I have and have a much lower average, yet your putting stats are very similar to mine. But how many putts under 5' do you miss? Not many, I'd wager.

  • Ffudd
    2,541 Posts
    Fri, Mar 18 2011 4:21 PM

    If you take 10 putts over 7 holes (to make the maths easier)

    3 miss (doesn't matter what distance)

    5 go in from 3 feet   5/10 = 50%

    2 go in from 7 feet   2/10 = 20%

    Your stats would be  0-5 feet 50%   5-10 feet 20%  (notice they only add up to 70%) and your average putts per hole would be 10/7 = 1.43

    Admittedly it is a strange way of doing it - the other way would be more useful.

  • PGAbound67
    565 Posts
    Fri, Mar 18 2011 5:25 PM

    The percentages you see aren't for the percentage you make of those particular putts. Think of it like this....of all the putts you've made, 45.32% of them were from 0-5ft, 7.49% were from 5-10ft, 4.20% were from 10-25ft, 0.27% of them were from 25-50ft, and 0.05% were from 50+ft. It doesn't make much sense, I know., Hopefully one day WGT will change the way they do statistics.

  • Deviant
    21 Posts
    Fri, Mar 18 2011 6:02 PM


    The percentages you see aren't for the percentage you make of those particular putts. Think of it like this....of all the putts you've made, 45.32% of them were from 0-5ft, 7.49% were from 5-10ft, 4.20% were from 10-25ft, 0.27% of them were from 25-50ft, and 0.05% were from 50+ft. It doesn't make much sense, I know., Hopefully one day WGT will change the way they do statistics.

    Ah - now that you explain it that way... BUT if it was calculated that way, wouldn't all your percentages add to 100%? Mine only add to a shade under 60%...


    Personally I think it would make more sense to show putting statistics as I thought they were shown (eg. Putts made 0-5 ft: 76% (attempted 1000, made 760), and so on), but hey, it is only a beta game (for what, 18 months?!) after all.

  • PGAbound67
    565 Posts
    Fri, Mar 18 2011 6:58 PM

    It would definitely make more sense if they were calculated that way. As far as them adding up to 100%...only if you've made every putt you've hit, this basically only takes into account putts made, not total putts taken. 

  • MonumentValley
    58 Posts
    Fri, Mar 18 2011 7:13 PM

     Hi, Deviant. The putting % is figured from your total putts.

    Let's take a look at the numbers. For you, currently, that is 2191 total putts.

    Your 0-5 ft% of 45.32 says that % of your total putts were put in from under 5 ft

            5-10 ft% of 7.56 says that % of your total putts were put in from between 5-10 ft

          10-25 ft% of 4.15 says ...

          25-50 ft% of 0.26 says ...

             50+ ft% of 0.04 says ...

    If you add the figures, you get 57.33%, which, would be your overall putting %, and, when converted to putts per hole, comes to 1.7445, roughly.

    The total doesn't add to 100.00 because your misses are not factored in.



  • Deviant
    21 Posts
    Fri, Mar 18 2011 7:39 PM


    ...comes to 1.7445, roughly.


    Roughly eh... :P


    I kind of get what you're talking about. But only kind of. What happens if you attempt a putt from say 20 feet, miss, and then sink the next from 2 feet? Do your 10-25 feet stats go down a bit... and your 0-5 feet stats, no change? Is it only going off the first putt, or what? What if I mucked up a 130' putt, and had a 2nd attempt from 60'?


    I'm still confused. What a dumb method of keeping stats!

  • Deviant
    21 Posts
    Fri, Mar 18 2011 7:50 PM

    Or are you saying that, of 2191 putts, I've successfully made 45% of the total from 0-5 feet, successfully made 7.49% from 5-10 feet, and so on... and missed the rest?


    Coz if so... okay, I get it... but what a silly method of recording putting stats! Better to say something like:


    0-5 feet: Attempted 1000. Sunk 860. 86%

    5-10 feet: Attempted 500. Sunk 125. 25%

    10-25 feet: Blah

    25-50 feet: Blah

    Total: Attempted 2191. Sunk 1256. 57%.


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