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Putting stats... wtf?

Wed, May 1 2013 1:43 PM (15 replies)
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  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Fri, Mar 18 2011 7:53 PM

    It is an old school WGT stat that means nothing and needs to be updated & improved so it can mean something. 

  • Deviant
    21 Posts
    Fri, Mar 18 2011 8:12 PM


    It is an old school WGT stat that means nothing and needs to be updated & improved so it can mean something. 


    Agreed. I'd prefer to know exactly how accurate I am at each range increment, and overall, as I wrote in my last post, than the current weird system.

  • MonumentValley
    58 Posts
    Fri, Mar 18 2011 8:33 PM

    The putting stats page can be confusing and, definately, needs to be revamped.

  • PeterHopper
    1,315 Posts
    Fri, Mar 18 2011 9:26 PM


    You've played a lot more rounds than I have and have a much lower average, yet your putting stats are very similar to mine. But how many putts under 5' do you miss? Not many, I'd wager.

    LOL. Too many.

  • skccvb
    799 Posts
    Wed, May 1 2013 1:38 PM

    These putting stats are useless-they add up to your "% of 1 putts" - the PGA tour stats are a calculation of 'how many putts you hole -under 5,10,15, etc feet'- NOT 'how many of your total putts holed are under 5 feet - etc'. Useless stat. Should be changed-or a new stat added. Reality is if you are a Legend/Tour Legend, your putts holed under 5 feet are about 97 plus %. It would be helpful to judge putting prowess if you knew how many putts you holed from say 15 feet or more (outside the circle). 

  • skccvb
    799 Posts
    Wed, May 1 2013 1:43 PM

    PS- the lower ur % of putts under 5 feet -as currently calculated, the better the putter you are!

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