Black Diamond GC is looking for a few more members for a friendly and relaxed club.
We are a level 17 club (with all the benefits that includes), 133
members as of today, players at all skill levels. We have a full series
of free/premium/CTTH tournaments, a website, and an internal handicap
system which we use for a few of them.
If you want to compete with top end champs/legends, or with TM's and
Masters, on a friendly basis, we are the place to be. You want
cut-throat, play in the WGT tournaments which a lot of us do anyway.
You need advice or help tiering up, we help.
Members play as they see fit, in club tournaments as they prefer (or
not). We do not ask anyone to buy cc xp passes, either in club clashes
or any time. We carry members who need time off from game as long as
they drop a line to a director. Reason (could be health issues, car
accident, just need a break) doesn't matter.
We only ask that members play regularly, use free cc xp passes as appropriate, and check club forum for updates.
We will boot you after 3 months if we haven't heard from you. Otherwise, we are very flexible. We understand unfortunate real life events and will carry players.
(NOTE: Black Diamond GC should not be confused with Black Diamond Hills.)