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Stuck on Pro level

rated by 0 users
Sun, Mar 20 2011 6:25 PM (7 replies)
  • KeepOffMyLine
    4 Posts
    Sat, Mar 19 2011 11:49 AM



    Seems I've been stuck on this level for about 2 months although my average has gone from about 85 to 72.5. During this time, I've seen my buddy go from Pro to Master. Granted he plays more, but being on level 48, I play pretty often myself. Does anyone know the criteria for moving up a level?


    Thanks...and stop walking on my line.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sat, Mar 19 2011 12:57 PM


    Keep playing & posting low scores and the rest will take care of itself


  • golfkid210
    313 Posts
    Sat, Mar 19 2011 1:10 PM

    Since Icon didn't give out the number for moving up to Tour Pro I'll just say that you're pretty close.  Keep shooting those under par scores and you'll be there in not too long.

  • Joeyola
    1,210 Posts
    Sat, Mar 19 2011 6:49 PM

    Seems I've been stuck on this level for about 2 months

    First, don't be in a big hurry to move up.  If you're not ready there is no going back.  If you play at a pace that is comfortable for you, the tier you belong in will find you...besides, you'll have extra time to have a life (smile). 

    Here are a few things that might improve your average: 

    As we all know, better equipment can lower scores but you'll need to Level Up to get the best sticks.  A quick way to do this is by playing, and completing, a game every day.  Even a quick 10 minute CTTH does the trick...and after 6 days of consecutive play, you'll start earning 880 points daily.

    When looking at new clubs, try keeping the same attributes and meter speeds throughout the set...this helps with consistency and rhythm. 

    Keep even distance gaps between all clubs...especially between your irons and wedges. 

    A quick look at our better players and you'll find that they have dropped the hybrid and added a wedge (I am talking stroke play here)...consider that as well, and don't forget the distance gaps.          

    If you don't like buying expensive balls, buy clubs with slower meters.  But those clubs generally lack distance...keep that in mind.


  • KeepOffMyLine
    4 Posts
    Sat, Mar 19 2011 8:01 PM

    Good stuff, fellas. Thanks. I've been playing with better balls but ran out today. Even gaps between you mean like 100, 110, 120, 130? Keeping meters speeds about the same...that's goods advice too.

  • golfkid210
    313 Posts
    Sat, Mar 19 2011 9:53 PM

    Sometimes you can't keep an even 10 yds between clubs because the iron sets don't come that way.  But when I upgraded my irons, I ended up with a sand wedge at 60 yards, and my next club up was a pitching wedge at 105.  Next thing I did was drop my hybrid (as somebody said up there already), and picked up a wedge to bridge that huge 45 yd gap at 88.  As it turns out, the wedge I got is now my favorite club because of the much larger spin attribute it has, so I can pretty much count on it stopping within a few feet of where it lands, even with the freebie balls, unless its a ways uphill or with a big tailwind.

  • borntobesting
    9,751 Posts
    Sat, Mar 19 2011 10:23 PM

    Also remember that with your wedges you can use the punch shot to fill in the gaps. Also so many of us at one time used only full back spin. experiment with different spin combos with your clubs and you will begin to get the ball closer to the hole. Doing that makes for shorter easier to make putts. As Joey said many many people have dropped the hybrid in favor of a third wedge and some have even dropped the 3 wood and added a 4th wedge. The more wedges you have in this game the better. 

  • Joeyola
    1,210 Posts
    Sun, Mar 20 2011 6:25 PM

    You can also get the Consecutive Days Credit by simply completing a 3 hole practice round.
