Earlier post..... "1. Don't send a formal complaint about someone, if you have already handled it.,"....
I agree with this.... sorta. If already handled, why would a formal complaint be necessary?...... Perhaps it was not handled properly, evidently running and crying to "mommy" only gets one placed into "time out"......
This one was a different as the person threatened to "liquidate my account"?...I'm not computer literate enough to know if this can be done. Good hackers can do just about anything, it seems.
So it wasn't a complaint to wgt, so much as a question...they read the thread and decided my strong defense was equal(?) to the original attack. That's why I also stated they don't care who starts it.
Note to everyone: Just be careful what you post and try to ignore the haters. I used to get flame baited a the 2 week break did me some good.
Edit: I agree with Danny that it is poor form to run to the teachers. Handle it personally. If memory serves, I have never submitted anything to wgt about anyone (except above), and I have been ambushed a lot. WGT tends to throw the baby out with the bathwater... it's not the right thing to do, but it's certainly the easiest.