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WGT, are you done with the impostors?

Mon, Dec 5 2016 5:21 PM (76 replies)
  • Yiannis1970
    3,334 Posts
    Thu, Aug 18 2016 5:10 AM

    Tasor, Hannsi and other champions are out...ok. That's about it?? Finished the job WGT?


    How about others? How about those miracle workers who shot regularly 50+ with avgs 65-70 on the most difficult courses? How about all the hustlers with double accounts who are shooting only well on a big credit tournaments?

    Are there no more cheaters in here WGT?

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Thu, Aug 18 2016 5:31 AM


    Tasor, Hannsi and other champions are out...ok. That's about it?? Finished the job WGT?


    How about others? How about those miracle workers who shot regularly 50+ with avgs 65-70 on the most difficult courses? How about all the hustlers with double accounts who are shooting only well on a big credit tournaments?

    Are there no more cheaters in here WGT?

    Would be nice to see them do something with all of the bogus restarts . Hacks and Amateurs with 5-9 ranked rounds shooing 28s & 29s with starter clubs C`MON MAN . I want to know how come my starter clubs dont play that good ? Whats up with that WGT if I can go through the leader boards and see the obvious why cant you ? 


  • Yiannis1970
    3,334 Posts
    Thu, Aug 18 2016 6:18 AM

    If it's real the intention of cleaning this place up, and i have no reason to doubt, then i am at your disposal WGT... there are at least 10 cases of obvious cheaters or multi accounters which i spotted. Maybe  i got that all wrong, but at least, do your research WGT..

  • maoriand1
    1,287 Posts
    Thu, Aug 18 2016 6:29 AM

    to wgt... braket 500 cr legend tier is the best place where find cheaters.. people with avg 65 that shot 53-54 in all conditions of wind... really fun


    to Yiannis... quel bracket 500 cr e' bellissimo. si guadagnano una barca di crediti e non ti nego che mi piacerebbe molto giocarci ma e' scandaloso. vedi delle cose dell'altro mondo lassu'. una volta l'ho giocato e mai +... io 58 su boh venti forti e l'altro 55. avg 72

    sn andato a vedere il suo scorecard e non aveva mai fatto nemmeno 60 sullo stesso percorso. tralaltro ho guardato gli scorecard di tutti quelli del suo stesso club e che dire... un club di cheaters.

    o sono tutti fenomeni o sono tutti cheaters...non si scappa.. credo che tu sappia di quale club sto parlando.

    da un po' lo sto seguendo e devo dire che ci sono 2-3 player che sn un martello... sempre 55 e 54 in quel bracket....

    purtroppo ho anche notato che i tuoi super score lissu' sono stati battuti da elementi di questo club .


    personalmente non sono capace di fare quegli score ...sarebbero 500 cr buttati.





  • Yiannis1970
    3,334 Posts
    Thu, Aug 18 2016 7:28 AM

    Mao, it was my first time on first and last time. I am allergic to b))***...

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Thu, Aug 18 2016 7:58 AM

    to wgt... braket 500 cr legend tier is the best place where find cheaters.. people with avg 65 that shot 53-54 in all conditions of wind... really fun

    I agree and would add tiered rg's and the premier competitions to the list.

    I also think it would be good to do something about the sandbaggers, who (in my opinion) are in many cases multi's too, over 500 rounds of winning credits from those playing the game more straightforwardly is far too many.

    If the 500 rounds can't simply be reduced perhaps any sort of round (even CTTH, match play and especially those on par 3, 5 etc) could count towards that number. 

    Of course this could mean that someone could play one ranked round to get the average needed and 499 other rounds to be promoted.  Although not ideal, anyone doing this would only be cheating themselves unlike what is happening now.

    As a minimum it would seem logical not to include Best of 3's, 5's and anything else that doesn't count toward the RR total in the tiered rg's and reduce the Legend bracket to 100c.  At least the incentive to the multi's and/or sandbaggers would be reduced.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,968 Posts
    Thu, Aug 18 2016 9:46 AM


  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Thu, Aug 18 2016 11:57 AM


    How about others? How about those miracle workers who shot regularly 50+ with avgs 65-70 on the most difficult courses? How about all the hustlers with double accounts who are shooting only well on a big credit tournaments?

    Are there no more cheaters in here WGT?

    LMFAO, You mean like the Legends who were legends when I was years ago, who shoot 52 in the Open qualifier with a 61 avg., careful what you wish for is pretty obvious by now they can ban anyone just because they want to....


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Thu, Aug 18 2016 1:34 PM

    Any winnings (any winnings) could count towards tier promotion, and push straight up to champ.  At champ pro shop opened, and so no complaints (be loads but...)

    Can't see it happening.


  • razza31
    703 Posts
    Thu, Aug 18 2016 4:26 PM

    How about others? How about those miracle workers who shot regularly 50+ with avgs 65-70 on the most difficult courses? How about all the hustlers with double accounts who are shooting only well on a big credit tournaments?

    1) Some people are just not that good on PB F9 as Jimbog showed in another thread.

    2) Those bitches are bad.