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Just a thank you

rated by 0 users
Fri, Mar 25 2011 5:44 PM (9 replies)
  • deBubblebuster
    7 Posts
    Sun, Mar 20 2011 2:27 PM

    I'm an old neanderthal who's relatively new to the world of computers who by chance stumbled across the WGT site... and I'm really glad I did.  As a real life golfer, I find the game quite realistic and fascinating and I'd like to thank the people at WGT for developing and making available this gem.  I've experienced a couple of instances where I thought I'd done everything pretty close to being right, but was puzzled by the results.  But overall, I think the game is exceptionally good and accurate.  Wish I could say the same thing about my game, both in the real world and here.  My biggest weakness so far has been with my short game.  Can't quite figure out how to consistently chip and pitch accurately, but I'm working on it.  I've started a strict regimen of right index finger exercises.

    I also really appreciate the selection of courses you chose to portray and look forward to playing the new courses you plan on making available.  I have a better appreciation of the quirky nature of St. Andrews.  Again, I thoroughly enjoy playing your game and would like you to know how much I appreciate your developing it making it available... and at such a reasonable price!

  • Joeyola
    1,210 Posts
    Sun, Mar 20 2011 6:44 PM

    Nice to meet you.  Be sure to find time to do the important things in life after you get quit now while you can (smile).  Be sure to check out the Getting Started and FAQs over there------->

    There are lots of good guys in the forums that can answer your questions as well.


  • Yappy22
    733 Posts
    Sun, Mar 20 2011 7:04 PM


    deBubblebuster welcome aboard, It's a great ride and lots of fun. The short game takes awhile.
  • golfkid210
    313 Posts
    Sun, Mar 20 2011 7:15 PM

    You'll have to share that regimen of right index finger exercises with us.  Don't want anybody here getting carpal tunnel from excessive virtual golfing.

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Sun, Mar 20 2011 9:24 PM

    Again, I thoroughly enjoy playing your game and would like you to know how much I appreciate your developing it making it available... and at such a reasonable price!


    How I envy you. It is a great journey. Have great fun, and welcome.

    68 Posts
    Mon, Mar 21 2011 1:02 AM

    It looks if you were one of the good guys because you always comment.

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Mon, Mar 21 2011 2:05 AM

    Yes I do. You Germans are very strange to me. So behind current mental time. Why is that? Can't change? Stupid? Or is it this notion of something that no longer exist?

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Mon, Mar 21 2011 5:07 AM

    Welcome. This is a great game, most of the time. I sometimes have to go outside and punch my mouse finger to get it to wake

    What I did when I first started was to take note's, what clubs I used in the different conditions. You probably won't get the same shot again, but it helps.

    Practice makes perfect :)

    Good Luck


  • Ripcol25
    946 Posts
    Mon, Mar 21 2011 6:09 AM

    Welcome it's a great game.  I'm 71 with over 1500 rounds played and I,m still learning. There will be good days and bad days. Best advice is to enjoy the game and drink beer.


  • wildcat18racing6
    420 Posts
    Fri, Mar 25 2011 5:44 PM

    Welcome to wgt debubble. there is alot of help right here in the forum pages. just dont pay no mind to the whiners lol. happy golfing :-P