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Time to say so long.

Thu, Dec 1 2016 4:40 AM (216 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Aug 20 2016 9:56 AM

    So no Jim Im not wrong

    I never said you were, stop trying to make this about you. Understand that not everybody is cut from your cloth, we all know how much you don't spend on this game, you constantly remind us. The OP certainly didn't need a lecture on his stance.

    This is about helping somebody else have some cheap fun. The OP's a senior, maybe on a fixed income, maybe housebound, we don't know. It doesn't cost anything to give him space to feel the way he does and to offer him a solution.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sat, Aug 20 2016 10:00 AM

    "Most players don't like restarts because they feel that it gives those players an unfair advantage over actual new players as TopShelf stated . Even though WGT allows players to restart with new accounts it doesn't make it fair .."

    I fully understand those concerns. I am hopeful that restarts were due to reasons beyond their control (as was mine) sure isn't fun having to re-purchase all the equipment.

    As far as advantages...It may be a bit over-rated. The only people I beat were hacks and amateurs. We had the same starter kit, so I did have an advantage vis-a-vis course knowledge. Never anything on the line though.

    As far as players using this as a way to "cheat", I would suggest people with no moral compass find unlimited ways to cheat. 


  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sat, Aug 20 2016 10:13 AM


    So no Jim Im not wrong

    I never said you were, stop trying to make this about you. Understand that not everybody is cut from your cloth, we all know how much you don't spend on this game, you constantly remind us. The OP certainly didn't need a lecture on his stance.

    This is about helping somebody else have some cheap fun. The OP's a senior, maybe on a fixed income, maybe housebound, we don't know. It doesn't cost anything to give him space to feel the way he does and to offer him a solution.

    "7 years x 1 survey a week would have earned you enough credits to buy everything you needed to compete from the tips."


    Plus two well advertised charities every year. He also belongs to a CC with 80 members. I find it hard to believe that nobody has provided him advice, or more tangible help in the form of clubs or balls. . 

    Soz YJ...I think your sympathy is a bit misplaced here.


  • petervcpt
    1,013 Posts
    Sat, Aug 20 2016 10:30 AM


    Soz YJ...I think your sympathy is a bit misplaced here.


    Nope, I think YJ has taken the high road here.

    We have no idea, as YJ correctly pointed out, what his personal circumstances are.

    Why he chose to post here to announce his departure is also not for us to disrespect.

    Why his fellow CC member have (possibly) not assisted him with advice and/or gifted him is also not something we can have an opinion about.

    YJ is 100% on the money. It is sad that someone, who clearly was having a ball, but got somehow promoted to Legend tier and is now unable to compete, feels that he needs to leave.

    By the way, has anyone looked at his stats? For someone who was using exclusively starter gear, they aren't bad.

    Firemangeorge, if you're reading this, shoot me a pm, and let's see if we can make you stay a bit longer. Friend request sent.

    Oh yeah and if you are a fire fighter, respect sir! And thank you for running towards danger to save people's lives.



  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Sat, Aug 20 2016 10:37 AM


    So no Jim Im not wrong

    I never said you were, stop trying to make this about you. Understand that not everybody is cut from your cloth, we all know how much you don't spend on this game, you constantly remind us. The OP certainly didn't need a lecture on his stance.

    This is about helping somebody else have some cheap fun. The OP's a senior, maybe on a fixed income, maybe housebound, we don't know. It doesn't cost anything to give him space to feel the way he does and to offer him a solution.

    No Im not making this about me you are . At no point and time have I compared myself to the OP or them to me however you want to look at it . 10 other players posted before me but you chose to pick out from my post to make your comments . I havent said anything about how I play the game or what I do to play the game .So Im not constantly reminding you of anything . The fact that I have some get up and hustle about my self is nothing to be ashamed about .

    I may point out to new players how to play for free through the credit offers but whats wrong with that ?Or the ones who come into the forums ranting about how much money they spend on the game that threaten to quit if they cant have their way .You offer them a solution which is restart with a new account . Why not do the free offers to earn credits instead ?

    If they are on a fixed income or housebound how will investing in some time better spent hurt them ?It wont cost them a thing to click the mouse and watch a video for 30seconds . But go ahead I didnt mean to interrupt your pity party just leave me out of it . I promise if you leave me out of it I`ll stay out of it . All you have to do is leave my name out of it . Just sayin


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Aug 20 2016 11:10 AM

    Move on, Lonnie. Train left. You went off on a tangent and missed the entire point. Compassion might be a good place to start if you're interested in recovering said point.

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Sat, Aug 20 2016 12:23 PM


    Move on, Lonnie. Train left. You went off on a tangent and missed the entire point. Compassion might be a good place to start if you're interested in recovering said point.

    Are you serious ? With as many new players as I have seen you snap up in the past now you want to be a nice guy . Im not on a tangent and I havent missed anything .Why am I supposed to feel sorry for some one who wont apply themselves to being or doing better ? I will help anyone as best as I can if they ask for help because others have done the same for me . But if they dont ask for help they have no room to complain or voice views because things arent going their way . So maybe you are the one who needs to get on said train but catch the bus first because you missed them both .


  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Sat, Aug 20 2016 12:50 PM

    I partially agree with Lonnie and half agree with Yankee on this one. Not sure why he bothered saying he's quitting. No one knows him on here. Maybe he's hoping someone feels sorry for him and buys him a new driver.

    Think your tone is a bit harsh Lonnie, but what you're sayings isn't untrue. On the flip said, who says who can't say what (within reason). The forums do kinda serve as a venting space. I've certainly used it as one before. Obviously it's also meant for information and the social aspect. You could always choose to ignore such threads imo.

    No harm done

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Aug 20 2016 1:31 PM

    With as many new players as I have seen you snap up in the past

    Your perception, find a legitimate example. Has nothing to do with being a nice guy, it goes more to identifying with the position the OP is in. I, myself, am a step away from being there. I'm lucky for now but the future is not rosy. The OP's just got a little darker, all because of a game that took him away from reality for a minute. No whine, no begging, no complaining, just a statement. You give up something without a farewell and it sticks with you until you do. Give him the space.

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Sat, Aug 20 2016 1:54 PM

    Now that I am a Legend and have been moved back to the "tips", I just can't compete and don't find it enjoyable at all. Not interested in spending the money to upgrade my clubs either. Just not worth it for me personally.

    I guess I have a bit of a different take on this thread. With the equipment you have, I find it remarkable that you actually found the game enjoyable all these years! :-)