Soz YJ...I think your sympathy is a bit misplaced here.
Nope, I think YJ has taken the high road here.
We have no idea, as YJ correctly pointed out, what his personal circumstances are.
Why he chose to post here to announce his departure is also not for us to disrespect.
Why his fellow CC member have (possibly) not assisted him with advice and/or gifted him is also not something we can have an opinion about.
YJ is 100% on the money. It is sad that someone, who clearly was having a ball, but got somehow promoted to Legend tier and is now unable to compete, feels that he needs to leave.
By the way, has anyone looked at his stats? For someone who was using exclusively starter gear, they aren't bad.
Firemangeorge, if you're reading this, shoot me a pm, and let's see if we can make you stay a bit longer. Friend request sent.
Oh yeah and if you are a fire fighter, respect sir! And thank you for running towards danger to save people's lives.