TopShelf2010: I might be way off base here, but I honestly believe there would be many players upset with this scenario
Why? It's a legitimate option available to anybody. WGT has even spelled out the specifics in the T&C. There's even a former moderator that took this route.
@Lonnie-How does this not come across as accusatory? ......
"This is quite sad actually . You have been here playing for 7 years and you didnt do any better than you did . For 7 years you sat back and squandered every opportunity to take advantage of the free credit offers to upgrade your clubs and buy better gear . Now you complain because you cant play from the tips "
A lot of finger pointing there. He wasn't complaining at all, just stating the way he felt. He didn't knock WGT, throw a fit or come up with some insane rant-he just spoke freely about how HE felt. And HIS choice is to not spend what it takes to compete, he just wants to whack the ball around from a place where he's comfortable. That was taken away from him and that is what is sad. My idea gives him another avenue rather than quitting.
I sure don't feel threatened by a 7 year veteran restarting. Why should it bother anybody when done by the book?