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Time to say so long.

Thu, Dec 1 2016 4:40 AM (216 replies)
  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Sat, Aug 20 2016 4:06 PM

    Yea, those facts are a b!tch sometimes, especially when they get in the way of a perfectly good  stupid argument/point!

  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Sat, Aug 20 2016 4:09 PM


    Yea, those facts are a b!tch sometimes, especially when they get in the way of a perfectly good  stupid argument/point!

    except you have no facts that relate to this discussion. How does his playing history have anything to do with the forum post?

    He quit because he got moved to back tees! He complained; oblivious people got on him without understanding the whole situation. 

    you're not disproving my point, do you know why you're arguing?

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Sat, Aug 20 2016 4:26 PM


    Yea, those facts are a b!tch sometimes, especially when they get in the way of a perfectly good  stupid argument/point!

    for some reason i do not think everything you and i have posted on this subject today is being  understood in the way in which we meant it.

     to continue to reply to an enitity that refuses to change or make proper acknowledgement of what others are telling him is so simular to the age old belief that to continue to do something over and over and expect the results to change is a sure sign of an undevloped mentality.  my nickle.


  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Sat, Aug 20 2016 4:30 PM

    AHHHHHH, real slowly for you, the "facts" are his own words, the history just backs them up....

    He simply lost interest and moved on, you have no valid point to disprove....

  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Sat, Aug 20 2016 4:32 PM



    Yea, those facts are a b!tch sometimes, especially when they get in the way of a perfectly good  stupid argument/point!

    for some reason i do not think everything you and i have posted on this subject today is being  understood in the way in which we meant it.

     to continue to reply to an enitity that refuses to change or make proper acknowledgement of what others are telling him is so simular to the age old belief that to continue to do something over and over and expect the results to change is a sure sign of an undevloped mentality.  my nickle.


    Or it could come down to the fact that old beliefs die hard. Being a medical salesmen, I have dealt with the most stubborn people in the world even when they know they are wrong, they will argue it to death...


  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Sat, Aug 20 2016 4:40 PM


    AHHHHHH, real slowly for you, the "facts" are his own words, the history just backs them up....

    He simply lost interest and moved on, you have no valid point to disprove....

    That doesn't have anything to do with the discussion, I advise you re-read the whole forum

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Sat, Aug 20 2016 4:40 PM


    Or it could come down to the fact the old beliefs die hard. Being a medical salesmen, I have dealt with the most stubborn people in the world even when they know they are wrong, they will argue it to death...


    Me too, in fact once just today in this thread alone! I don't even sell Medical Supplies if that should matter for some unknown reason....


  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Sat, Aug 20 2016 4:43 PM


    That doesn't have anything to  do with the discussion, I advise you re-read

    His own words and the reason behind the whole thread, have nothing to do with the discussion? Really, what he says means nothing, just what you say? I rest my case....


  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sat, Aug 20 2016 4:43 PM


    over 7 years he has missed 14 charities,

    This December will be the 5th year for that event , this past July was 3 years for that event .

    Not every one here in WGT land spends time in the forums , reading / commenting .  

    Maybe he just to proud to ask for hand outs , Unlike some of the multi askers we have all seen in the Christmas give away events . 

    I dont have many credits but I am willing to offer this player a better putter if it will help and if he wants , I am also willing to bet that I could get 3 players to each get this player a better wedge to make a nice set of 3 , And I know one player that has said several time about how many credits he is sitting on , Maybe he will man up and offer a driver .


    Thank you Opy..I wasn't sure how long the charities were in existence. I actually feel better they haven't been around 7 years, because I usually donate, but haven't for 14 of them.:)

    A segue to my sad tale. Some drunken friends (reprobates, all of them) dragged me into a strip joint. There was a lot of "flouncing" going on in there, and I wish it only cost me a "nickel". Regardless, I survived the economic tsunami; the cold wait in the back of a police cruiser; the colder drive home when da missus came to collect me; the stark realization I had one of the flouncers' ph numbers in my wallet; and the subsequent running tab at the flower shop to buy my way off the couch.

    I would have rather kitted out the OP with the best in the pro shop...much cheaper and safer. 

    Too late now...I too am retired and broke. Perhaps this also explains the OP's resistance to spending $$...doesn't really explain why he didn't watch the odd video, but I am now reformed and will leave this insightful debate to others.:)


  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Sat, Aug 20 2016 4:45 PM



    Or it could come down to the fact the old beliefs die hard. Being a medical salesmen, I have dealt with the most stubborn people in the world even when they know they are wrong, they will argue it to death...


    Me too, in fact once just today in this thread alone! I don't even sell Medical Supplies if that should matter for some unknown reason....


    you just don't understand the whole picture, if you took the time and let the alcohol subside you would understand. Just re-read the forum tomorrow.... I'm out for tonight... have a good one