what makes me laugh is these scores posted in ready gos 57 58s on st andys in hurricane winds lets get real here these guys winners or cheaters.
to be honest, i don't really pay close attention to the other competitors scores as i'm too busy concentrating on improving my own.
57's & 58's are very achievable with a lot of practise (In eagles/birdies total distance missed accumulated, I've been less than 4ft from hitting a 57 on St A's on a couple of occassions). If you've hit 1000+ rounds on WGT then I'm pretty sure you'll get to know the courses what shots work best and if you're good, you'll get to know the greens inside out, so with a bit of good fortune low scores are a distinct probability regardless of the conditions.
do some folks cheat? maybe...maybe not. show me some proof?.....In real life, a few tour professionals have been caught cheating (VJ Singh springs to mind).
but let's not take away the honours for the truly better players of WGT by thinking or quietly whispering that anyone who hits a 57 or 58 has to have cheated to hit that score because it's simply not true and grossly unfair.
here's the rub....i can play just as good in heavy wind as i can in mild or moderate. it's just i like the conditions to be balanced....and being a scot...i like moan.
Stay lucky!