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Good Morning!

Thu, Aug 25 2016 2:27 AM (2 replies)
  • pmm711
    5,767 Posts
    Thu, Aug 25 2016 12:52 AM

    Dear WGT Golfers from around the world,

    My day in Atlanta, GA is starting way too early.  How about yours?

    While I'm saying "Good Morning" to you I want to wish everyone a healthy and happy day.  I know some of you are out there playing this crazy game and reading the forum because it keeps you motivated, thinking positive thoughts (most of the time), and laughing (hopefully) while you're not 100% up to par.  Please find comfort in knowing you're probably not alone, and, that a lot of WGTers are praying for the best for you.  And definitely know that I'm praying for you.

    Now hit 'em long and str8...and less than the rest!

    Have a GREAT day! 


    P.S. I lost my brother on February 3rd to AML.  He loved this game because it kept him hitting it from tee-to-green while he could no longer play RL golf.  We used to tee it up with the Wounded Warriors every year in a tournament in Reston, VA. What a hoot we had with them.  They are tremendous individuals and have some great stories to share during an 18 hole round of golf.  I think if you're capable, everyone should try to play at least one round with the Wounded Warriors.  I guarantee you'll have an enlightening day.  I'm really going to miss those rounds with my brother.

    RIP Andy...I love and miss you dearly XO


  • BMX123
    631 Posts
    Thu, Aug 25 2016 1:52 AM


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Aug 25 2016 2:27 AM

    Sorry for your loss Paul. Your brother sounded like a good man.

    Attitude is everything, channel it in the right direction and you reap the rewards.

    Learn from the wise and from past mistakes.

    Look for the positives and they far outweigh the negatives.

    And you will have a great day.....albeit it is evening here!