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So Many New Members ?

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Fri, Aug 26 2016 8:57 PM (8 replies)
  • AiricR
    135 Posts
    Fri, Aug 26 2016 9:41 AM

    Ive had a quiet no rules club I started back aways just for the free putter pal I was using....I met a few players in Alt shot and invited a few in to help rank up and had about 15-20 members total for about 9 months....

    Until recently every day for the last few weeks Ive had 2-5 new members per day join my club? I have no idea why....Is there something funny going on? I went from 15-20 to 63 in just a few weeks.Just curious is all...I did no advertising and heck I haven't even played that much lately either.  

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Fri, Aug 26 2016 10:01 AM


    Ive had a quiet no rules club I started back aways just for the free putter pal I was using....I met a few players in Alt shot and invited a few in to help rank up and had about 15-20 members total for about 9 months....

    Until recently every day for the last few weeks Ive had 2-5 new members per day join my club? I have no idea why....Is there something funny going on? I went from 15-20 to 63 in just a few weeks.Just curious is all...I did no advertising and heck I haven't even played that much lately either.  

    Quite interesting...CC owners routinely advertise for members (or poach)...tough to grow a good club, as there are so many in competition with each other. I did notice that 9-12 of your members haven't done anything for many months, even a year. Recommend you clear the deadwood, so you have a more active CC...and a better idea of actual participants.

    GL to you, though.


  • adaputter
    1,954 Posts
    Fri, Aug 26 2016 10:02 AM


    Ive had a quiet no rules club I started back aways just for the free putter pal I was using....I met a few players in Alt shot and invited a few in to help rank up and had about 15-20 members total for about 9 months....

    Until recently every day for the last few weeks Ive had 2-5 new members per day join my club? I have no idea why....Is there something funny going on? I went from 15-20 to 63 in just a few weeks.Just curious is all...I did no advertising and heck I haven't even played that much lately either.  

    stop complaining enjoy your cc its growing well done

  • Bluesteelie
    2,021 Posts
    Fri, Aug 26 2016 10:54 AM

    I have noticed this also, in the last couple weeks i have been getting 5 players a day or more which is unusual, Mostly hacks but thier not playing so ive gotten rid of 30 so far and more on thier way out, Whats going on WGT. Must be all thier fake players. LOL So I see the guys point. My 2 cents

  • alosso
    21,087 Posts
    Fri, Aug 26 2016 12:53 PM

    Until recently every day for the last few weeks Ive had 2-5 new members per day join my club? I have no idea why....Is there something funny going on?

    There's an issue which brings players to apply to a CC inadvertedly.

    A pop-up of the game window will cause this without any confirmation, and it may be clicked inadvertedly if it pops up while you want to check your bag or click somewhere else in the game window.

    Then, if the CC owner accepts members without confirmation from his side, a new CC member is born ex machina. Or, he likes the applicant and accepts him.

  • AiricR
    135 Posts
    Fri, Aug 26 2016 1:54 PM

    I have my club set to open so anyone can join. I just thought it was odd because I have nothing going on in my club and had no Idea why I have 30 new members this last couple

    I never wanted a "CLUB" just the free putterpal for the time level 7 and growing....lmao

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Fri, Aug 26 2016 3:06 PM

    If you had no interest in running a CC, it's odd that you started one, rather than just join one which provided Putter and Shot pals. 

    Anyway, as I've bro.:)


  • DidEyeDoit
    496 Posts
    Fri, Aug 26 2016 8:24 PM


    I have noticed this also, in the last couple weeks i have been getting 5 players a day or more which is unusual, Mostly hacks but thier not playing so ive gotten rid of 30 so far and more on thier way out, Whats going on WGT. Must be all thier fake players. LOL So I see the guys point. My 2 cents


    Yes same here, although you can triple the amount of removals , I do advertise in this forum but rarely has someone joined because they have seen the ad in this thread. I did ask a reasonably reliable recent (legend) member how he found my club & it was from the search Country Club section, as for all the other Hack   recent recruits I haven't a clue , it seems you delete 2 off them & 3 re  appear lol

    I see the guys point also. My dollars worth


  • UFCJohny
    713 Posts
    Fri, Aug 26 2016 8:57 PM

    We have opened up OUR CLUB for new members    got 95 players in 5 days   ,  lots of players never play anymore  hehe !

    Quess the Bottom Line is...................................

    if ye don't have      " That Bling "        then   it Don't Mean a Thang !  hehe

    johny  (:--}