thewonderstuff: whereas this tool just by-passes all that and reduces the game to inputting numbers and being told how and what to do!....wheres the satisfaction and sense of accomplishment in that?
This is completely and absolutely false imho. Anyone can get the same numbers themselves (don't need the tool at all) but the tool makes it much faster. You guys that feel this way leave me scratching my head all day long.
The reward comes from Projects that pay off ^^^.
I'd say the most important thing in the game is good club mappings and course notes in conjunction with knowing how the ball reacts from different angles/lies/circumstances. I have taken 6-7 sleeves of balls in the past mapping out a single Wedge for literally 5 or 6 hours over multiple courses, lies, inclines, etc.
Fine tuning every single distance with a specific power % and spin, to include additional notes for how much power/spin you add subtract on certain holes (to include but not limited to uphill/Dh release notes).
You can take it a step further and buy Canvas Paper (Art/paint shop) and take notes for every single putt on individual holes. So one sheet of paper might be numbered 1-60 and then you use *footnotes* at the bottom of the page and write down the corresponding Angle, Vertex, Flow, Aim point, so on and so forth. Or a lazy man way (I used to do this too) is simply take a screen shot and throw in a few notes on it and stash it in the right folder.
So as you can see lot's of time, effort, and patience goes into learning the game via super precise club mappings, good notes, and fun projects (very rewarding seeing work pay off). And to be quite honest, it's by far and away the most enjoyable part of the game. I could easily spend 5 or 6 hours on one specific spot on a single hole fine tuning my notes.
The more you learn via notes and mappings directly translates into how well you can intuitively play and judge future shots you have never seen before.
At some point, with so few courses and so few hole positions after you've played for several years day in and day out (just look at top of Money List) I"m sure the point comes you never need notes or mappings again. You can just look and instantly know what to do. How rewarding can that actually be?
I was planning on taking on some new course note projects but Battlefield One is almost here (Oct 21 2016!!!!!!!!!!)!!! At that point I can guarantee Wgt won't see light of day for at least 6 months.