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Meter lock

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Thu, Mar 24 2011 2:38 AM (12 replies)
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  • Craktskull
    117 Posts
    Tue, Mar 22 2011 11:21 PM

    I've had this problem a while, but have always known how to fix it, however, today it's become particularly frustrating as I'm trying to do a bunch of cc ctth tourneys.

    When I play a stroke round or ctth, everything is fine the first round.  But when I finish (or restart in ctth), and try to play another stroke round or ctth, I set the first shot up, pull the meter back and "ZAP", it sticks there.  Never comes down.  Then I have to close the window, go into Chrome's "under the hood", clear cache, then open Adobe Flash settings, clear the websites out of it's cache.  Sometimes I can get away with clearing only the site, leaving the site in there, but if the doug site isn't listed I have to delete the wgt site.

    I hate clearing out the wgt site from Flash as I lose the game settings and have to redo them all the time.........but it's one or both of those files that are causing it.

    Only happens on the first hole.  If I take a practice swing right off the bat and that goes through, then I know it'll be ok for the rest of the round.

    The problem never occurs during multiplayer rounds, MP, alt-shot, etc.  Only single player stuff.

    I've gone in with a fresh boot, CCleaner'd everything, cleaned out everything in Chrome and Flash BEFORE the first round.  Had everything but Chrome and the Flash window turned off and/or disabled (antivirus, firewalls, etc) and it still happens.    Sometimes 3rd round, but usually the 2nd.

    Happens in regular stroke tourneys/ctth and cc ctth tourneys, but rarely cc stroke tourneys.

    Like I said, I know HOW to fix it.....or work around it, it's just that it's a royal pain in the (you know) to always have to clear stuff out and redo game settings if I want to restart a ctth or play a second stroke play round.  Am I the only one that's having this problem?

    Sorry this is long-winded.  Just wanted to give as much information as possible.

  • Craktskull
    117 Posts
    Wed, Mar 23 2011 5:18 AM

    Just downloaded some video capture software, ran the same scenario again, captured it and posted unlisted on Youtube.  Rather boring, so don't click the video unless you really want to know whats going on.

    Description of problem/obervations in the video description.

    10,728 Posts
    Wed, Mar 23 2011 7:39 AM

    Do you get that with any other CTTH

  • Craktskull
    117 Posts
    Wed, Mar 23 2011 8:01 AM

    Yeah, happens all the time with regular monthly ctth's, cc ctth's,  monthy stroke to stroke, and even going from stroke to ctth too.  The ONLY way it doesn't do this is if I'm in a game and want to restart or play again, I actually quit first (don't save, return to main menu) and start from scratch.  Works usually, but not always......sometimes sticks and the only file in the cache then is the wgt file so I lose the game settings again anyway.  

    I know WGTicon says clear the cache all the time and I'm good with that, but it makes future loads WAY slow and kinda disappoints opps when my load times take forever.


    10,728 Posts
    Wed, Mar 23 2011 8:46 AM

    Have you tried using another browser,

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Mar 23 2011 9:26 AM

    I watched the video and a couple of things popped up. They may or not make a difference. First, on your Adobe Flash settings do you have the storage limit for WGT set to 1MB? Secondly, when you clear your browser cache you also have Clear Cookies selected and they clear too. If you want sites to remember you this should be unchecked as it isn't necessary. This will cause slight delays while the sites you go to send them back and cookies are not going to cause this problem anyway. The only box I check in that pop up is the Empty the Cache one.

    I've had this happen occasionally, very randomly, and I just X out of the game and reopen the browser. It has never happened twice in a row. Yours happens under very certain circumstances so I would imagine WGT's technical people would have a good clue to the fix if all else fails. That's where the Bug Report helps them.  GL


  • Craktskull
    117 Posts
    Wed, Mar 23 2011 10:09 AM



    Have you tried using another browser,

    Actually, no Priestess.  IE is worthless and Firefox with all it's add ons and stuff is almost as bad as IE.  Been using Chrome without problems since it's inception because of the less clutter and faster speed.  I've heard most people have no problem with Chrome and, if I have to change for one game, I'd rather not.


    I watched the video and a couple of things popped up. They may or not make a difference. First, on your Adobe Flash settings do you have the storage limit for WGT set to 1MB? Secondly, when you clear your browser cache you also have Clear Cookies selected and they clear too. If you want sites to remember you this should be unchecked as it isn't necessary. This will cause slight delays while the sites you go to send them back and cookies are not going to cause this problem anyway. The only box I check in that pop up is the Empty the Cache one.

    I've had this happen occasionally, very randomly, and I just X out of the game and reopen the browser. It has never happened twice in a row. Yours happens under very certain circumstances so I would imagine WGT's technical people would have a good clue to the fix if all else fails. That's where the Bug Report helps them.  GL

    Thanks did give me something to look at.  I went to Flash's settings and, while I never messed with em before, I did go to the global settings and allow up to 10 mb of storage space for each site.  Reran the same scenario and does the same thing.  Put it back to the default (to the left) and does the same thing.  I thought you had something there, but it didn't work.

    As for the cookies, I only started doing that recently (past 2 days), thinking MAYBE that had something to do with didn't.  Took the cookies off the clearing part cuz I hate relogging into WGT and other sites all the time.

    I'm stumped and more beers don't help.....I've tried that too


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Mar 23 2011 10:22 AM

    Heh-We throw enough stuff on the wall something's going to stick. As a sidebar, on the Flash storage for WGT you should set that to 1MB.

    Something very quick and easy to try would be the Iron browser. It's Chrome's stripped down version for developers and doesn't have anything with it. It comes with an older version of Flash that stays put. (Chrome automatically checks for Flash updates and installs them behind the scenes so you never know when it was done.) The last Flash version caused a minor problem in Chrome when it first came out (2-3 weeks ago) but that may be immaterial if your problem only just started.

    Check out the Iron browser-it's free, easy to install and performs quite well here. If anything, it would eliminate your browser as a cause.

  • Craktskull
    117 Posts
    Wed, Mar 23 2011 11:08 AM


    As a sidebar, on the Flash storage for WGT you should set that to 1MB.

    but that may be immaterial if your problem only just started.

    Check out the Iron browser-it's free, easy to install and performs quite well here. If anything, it would eliminate your browser as a cause.

    Will do on Flash - 1 MB aye

    problem started as soon as I logged in (back in January)........just took a few weeks to notice the pattern and start realizing it was happening.  Had to get my bearings and all.

    Will check out Iron tomorrow.....wife belly-aching I'm not in bed at 2 a.m.  Give you an update in the morning........

    Thanks for all the help.

  • mohuyu
    891 Posts
    Wed, Mar 23 2011 1:54 PM

    Check out the Iron browser-it's free, easy to install and performs quite well here. If anything, it would eliminate your browser as a cause

    Am I supposed get an image of your the top bit of your profile when I click on that link? btw, congrats on your legend status Jim.

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