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Days Played Issue

Thu, Jul 12 2018 7:14 PM (478 replies)
  • 123chuck123
    5 Posts
    Tue, Sep 6 2016 5:55 PM

    I never get any Days played or Points.. Been going on for a week or more



  • JayRandy
    2 Posts
    Tue, Sep 6 2016 6:19 PM

    Would be nice to have a little quicker and more responsive updates. I know in our field when something is affecting all users we'd be sitting down until the issue is resolved, with hourly updates.

  • GitUsummaDis
    468 Posts
    Tue, Sep 6 2016 6:24 PM

    Never mind I got it. I probably just wasn't to the next full day yet.

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Tue, Sep 6 2016 7:22 PM

    I have most of the WGT Mods on my friends list - anyone else see them on? 

    I have not. (maybe Icon first thing this morning).

    It is a sad state of affairs when they are all back from a long weekend and yet we - the folks who pay their salaries - do not get anything from them.

    Of course that is just my opinion.



  • BobApollo
    2,039 Posts
    Tue, Sep 6 2016 9:30 PM

    Playing on this site is VOLUNTARY .   Not one is forcing you to play here.  If the site is so bad, then go play online golf someplace else.

    Problems happen, problems get fixed, chill-out, take a pill.  It's not like a doctor just told you have a serious health matter.  You have some missing points, so what.

    All this over some club XP points and or personal XP points.  Before a few years ago, Club XP Points didn't even exist.

    Edited this...I don't care to know anything else about gets fixed whenever


  • alosso
    21,074 Posts
    Tue, Sep 6 2016 11:14 PM

    Third test, before the 9-6 update:

    Played 9 holes ranked on PB B9 this morning, with pass.

    After sinking the putt on #12, the screen froze and Flash crashed.
    Continue on tee #13.
    Surprise on the end:
    It stated zero CDP but +270 XPs:

    but the CDP was updated to four plus green check mark.

    Hope the XPs were awarded to my account!

    BTW: Another Flash crash when trying to post this...

    BTW2: I don't expect any refunds in XPs or CDPs - this has been negated often enough, and it's of no direct monetary value.

  • SlicedPepper
    796 Posts
    Wed, Sep 7 2016 12:25 AM


    After you played your round yesterday, did it show that you still needed to play? 


    I get the green check mark by CDP played but it's not showing CDP after a round nor do I get the CDP XP.

  • virtualreality
    122 Posts
    Wed, Sep 7 2016 12:49 AM

    ok my issue is resolved the CDP bonus.ty i guess

  • Premed
    776 Posts
    Wed, Sep 7 2016 4:51 AM

    Is this really resolved, my stats show I have two consec days, but what will it say tomorrow. I wonder how this got screwed up. Maybe tinkering with the clock / timezone settings (by WGT).


    I cannot see WGT returning Missed out XPs to all who suffered the loss, or wasted balls or boosts in the process. Gaining XPs isnt that important to some people but still it is important to many.


    So is it really fixed

  • tarigan
    53 Posts
    Wed, Sep 7 2016 5:21 AM

    i am still not getting my extra points for my every day play(880) points