Hello, I m Kevin Owner of a new C.C here in the wonderful world of WGT! I am looking for some people to join my new Club. If you have that individual touch that you may add to a Country Club and you enjoy meeting some new friend s in a respectful manner!! I would love for you to consider us . We are very new but I am up for idea s and we are always open for people who like to be a part of something nice. Your number s will not matter here but your action s do. I would like for my new C.C. to have a touch of class and the willingness to help other s . So if your looking for a place to call home here on WGT, then give us a chance ! After all a Club should be able to allow it s member s to make decision s about where they would like too see their Club go in future sense . Because if I always get my way it wouldn't be much of a Club ! Try us out and help us along , your more than welcome!!
Thank you for your time,
Kevin a.k.a ArmChairWarrior